Chapter Six

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An hour later, the three girls finally arrived at Demi’s apartment. It was bigger than anything Stefani had ever seen in her life. “Home sweet home” Demi said with a smile escaping when she saw Stefani’s dull eyes come to life.

“Do you want me to show you to your room?” Marissa asked as Demi got everything out of the car.

Stefani couldn’t speak, but she nodded enthusiastically, still trying to believe that this was going to be her new home.

Marissa placed her hands over Stefani’s eyes as she led her into her new bedroom. As soon as she took them away, Stefani opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. The room was like something she would see on her favourite TV show. Everything was decorated pink, and she had her own closet which was the size of the actual bedroom. She walked into the closet which was full of empty coat hangers. Her clothes wouldn’t even fill one percent of it.

“Do you like it?” Demi asked as she greeted Marissa who had the biggest smile on her face. They both watched Stefani explore her new room in awe. She was adorable.

Stefani thought she had seen everything, when she saw another door. Carefully she opened the handle, and inside was her very own private bathroom. It wasn't small like the ones she had before; it was massive. Sadly, the first thought that came to her mind was how easy it would be to puke up her insides after eating, because there was no way anyone would hear her. The house was way too big for anyone to notice. “This is amazing, thank you guys” Stefani said excitedly. It still felt like some surreal dream that she would be woken up from at any moment.

“I’m so glad you like it sweetheart.” Demi said kindly, pulling Stefani into a hug. “Group hug!” She added, grabbing Marissa’s hand, and pulling her into the hug too.

After a few moments, the girls broke from their hug and started to laugh. Was this really happening? Demi thought to herself.

“Do you want some time to get settled into your new room?” Demi asked Stefani. She must be exhausted after such a long day driving. Surely she would want some time to herself, Demi assumed.

“Sure” Stefani replied, waving goodbye to Demi and Marissa as they left her bedroom. Stefani carefully unzipped her suitcase, observing her few belongings. As the perfectionist she was, she hung all of her clothes neatly in her closet, from lightest to darkest in color. “Perfect” She whispered with a smile. She then brought her makeup bag and hair styling supplies into the bathroom, placing them neatly in the draws. The last items in her suitcase were hidden in the lining. Carefully, she unzipped the black layer and took out a packet of laxatives, a box of painkillers, a measuring cord and a notebook filled with pages and pages of daily meal plans consisting of air and not much else, and exercise logs. If anyone found it, she would die of embarrassment.

Stefani carefully picked up the last items of her bag and hid them in a small pink storage box under her bed for emergencies. She searched through the draws in the desk Demi set up for her and found a labeller. She typed in the word ‘Scrapbooking’ and stuck the new label on the box so no one would be suspicious if they were to find it.

Just as she slid the box back under her bed, Demi appeared at Stefani’s door. “Hey sweetheart, are you settling in okay?” Demi asked kindly.

Stefani nodded and smiled. Her smile truly did light up the whole room. “Thank you so much for everything Demi.” Stefani rsaid truthfully as she ran over to give Demi a hug.

“You’re welcome baby girl.” Demi remarked, kissing Stefani on the head as she hugged her tightly. “Now, I think we’re going to eat out tonight... Is there any particular food you like the most?” Demi asked, looking attentively into Stefani’s big brown eyes.

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