Chapter Seven

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The next morning, Stefani woke to a cute note by her bedside table. It read: ‘Hi sweetie, I had to leave for work early this morning but will be back in the early afternoon. I’ve booked a few interviews to find you a home tutor for school. Have a good morning. Lunch is in the fridge with your name on it. Love, Demi.’

Stefani couldn’t help but smile as she read the note, it was adorable. Her parents never did that when she was a kid. She was also thrilled about getting a tutor instead of going to school, as the whole school thing never quite worked out in the past. Demi must have known it would have caused too much stress. If it was up to her though, she wouldn't even do any school work. She wasn't bad at it, but she would much prefer to spend her time dancing than writing lines or solving draining mathematical problems. 

After showering and getting dressed for the day, Stefani quietly made her way downstairs hoping to avoid any kind of substance filled with fattening calories. She searched the cupboards for a glass before filling it to the brim with ice cold water; she heard somewhere it burned twice the amount of calories than hot water. Just as she was about to sit down, Marissa made her way into the kitchen to greet her with sleepy eyes. Her hair looked like a birds nest, and her pajamas had Sesame Street characters on them. Stefani laughed. “Nice PJ's” she giggled.

“Aren't they the greatest?” Marissa laughed as she grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard, filling it with multicolored cereal. Stefani nodded, sipping her water; it was so cold to drink she was getting a headache. “Hey, have you had breakfast?” Marissa asked upon noticing the half empty glass of water Stefani was frantically try to finish.

Stefani nodded nervously. “I had an apple” She lied. Marissa raised her left eyebrow, looking unconvinced. Stefani gulped in fear.

“Is that all?” Marissa replied. “That’s not going to fill you up much” She said in a motherly tone. “If you like, I can cook you something?”

“I’m fine thanks” Stefani replied calmly. “Never been a big breakfast eater” She lied again. She’s never been an eater full stop.

“Mmmkay, but if you let hungry, let me know.” Marissa said truthfully as she finished off her bowl of cereal, placing the dirty bowl in the sink.

Stefani breathed a sigh of relief as soon as Marissa left the room. For a moment there, she thought she was going to have to eat. “Thank God for that” She said to herself quietly.

When she finally finished her glass of water, Stefani filled the sink up with hot soapy water and washed the dirty dishes that had been left there. She hated mess, so she made sure everything was perfectly tidy in the kitchen before she wandered back upstairs to her room.

“Hey Stef!” Marissa hollered just as Stefani was about to enter her bedroom. Stefani turned around to face Marissa with curious eyes, waiting for her to continue speaking.

“Demi said you might need some new clothes and stuff. Want me to bring you to the mall and I’ll help you pick some things out?” Marissa asked kindly. Stefani’s eyes lit up, she desperately needed new clothes as half of hers were getting too big for her.

“Yes please!” Stefani rejoiced with a smile. “Just give me five” She added before wandering into her room, closing the door behind her.

Stefani caught a glimpse of her body in the mirror as she entered her bathroom, repulsed at the sight. Her clothes had gotten baggy, but her body looked double the size. How was that even possible? She needed a way to weigh herself.

Before leaving her bedroom, Stefani touched up her lipgloss and hair. If her weight couldn’t be perfect, she had to make sure everything else was.

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