Book 7⌇3. Presumptuous

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Chapter 3 ∣  Presumptuous


"I hear you are quite close to...finalizing the virus?" Lilith nodded in the direction of the doors to my varið's department. They both walked near each other, the door opening as they approached while I kept right behind them. She's never given me a reason to attack her...not yet anyways, but I know they are a deceiving and vile race.

Icarus turned to her and replied, "In theory, yes. Once I crack this last step, I'll be able to synthesize the first living strand."

"Now doesn't that sound just exciting!" Whitney's brown hair fell in front of his hazel eyes, lifting his chin up from the paper he was reading near the desk we walked by. Lilith and Icarus halted for a moment before he finished, "About time, it only took you-"

"And it's taken you more than two years to come close to anything resembling what the vampires created against the werewolves," Lilith shot in his direction, adjusting her glasses in the process.

A laugh echoed from just above on the second floor, the dirty blonde hair of Ayanna's tied up while her goggles were set over her emerald eyes, protecting her from the chemicals she was working with. She dropped what she was doing and leaned against the steel railing, giggling as she stated, "She got you there Whitney!"

Whitney just rolled his eyes and sighed when Lilith stated, "Get back to work Mr. Holt," when her eyes lifted to Ayanna, she simply asked, "how much longer before you need more test subjects, Miss Skye?"

Ayanna shrugged her shoulders, withdrawing a small vile with a dark green liquid capped off by a cork. She grinned, "Is this enough of an answer ma'am?"

Lilith smiled and clapped her hands together, "Excellent," she eyed Whitney, "at least someone else is making progress."

He grumbled, ignoring the rest of his team while Lilith and Icarus continued to walk toward his lab bench. Pulling the shoulder strap of the messenger bag over his head and placing it on the steel table, he asked, "Where's Damon?"

"Mr. Galver will not be joining us today," Lilith appeared somewhat upset by her own comment. Pushing off from the lower floor, my wings caught the still air as I settled myself up on a bench to observe the laboratory.

My eyes caught Ayanna removing a different vile from her opposite coat pocket, placing it on a rack resting on top of her table. Right when Lilith was readying herself to leave, she noted, "I'll be sending out the Lures shortly."

Without another word, the pureblood hiding in sheep's clothing exited the room, the sliding doors shutting solidly behind her. Letting out a heavy sigh, my eyes drew back to Ayanna, the tips of her fingers pulsating with life and gentle golden light. With her and I being the only ones on the second level since Damon had called out sick, I gently smiled, seeing the sparks from her magic intertwine with the liquid.

The only reason I felt some safety when leaving my varið's side for a moment. Ayanna Skye, a witch who intended to use her magic for good, helping to take out the evil that has corrupted this world. I noticed the longing looks she would cast at Icarus; something much more than a normal team member would show to another. Her affection for him was well hidden...for the most part. However, nothing can get past me, I see everything within this small room.

"Damn it!" More grumbling came from Whitney as he ran his hand through his hair, bringing the paper a little closer to his face. Any close and it's going to touch his nose.

"Something wrong?" Icarus asked, glancing up from his own lab book and placing the pen down on the table.

Whitney swiveled around in his chair, throwing his hands up in the air and letting loose the paper. Ayanna quickly reached out and snatched the floating paper before it could glide back down. She furrowed her brows, her eyes glancing over the writing.

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