Book 7⌇22. So, This is Love

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Chapter 22 ∣  So, This is Love


The sentinel angel was crippled by the arrow pierced through his chest, the stunned look on his face was priceless. The asshole deserved it, threatening my mate...but the only worry I had was the color of the arrow was nothing like I'd seen before.

This's dark.

It pulsates with life as blood trickled out of the sentinel angel's mouth, running down his chin while his grip fell away from the nasty ass sword, he'd used to completely take me off guard. With his hand, his fingers shakily touched his chest where the arrow embedded itself, his breathing erratic while his eyes widened in disbelief and shock. Blood cascaded down from where the arrow penetrated, but the arrow remained a solid form of energy.

"Look at you, weaker than my love and you're supposed to be a sentinel," I chuckled while pushing through the sting of my own wounds, the pain by far worse than anything I'd ever experienced before.

Much more painful than when even Tyco ripped a fragment of our soul away.

Much. It's...

What the hell is this?

My handheld my forehead as I groaned in indescribable pain, the sentinel angel losing all motor function as he fell from the sky. I watched as his buddy called out to him, even half-ass attempting to come to his aid and catch him. It never would have worked in time because he hit the ground with a solid thud.

I had my own problems as I felt a shift and disconnect between my inner demon. It appears he were being spliced from my body, splitting our soul in half. I focused on trying to keep it together, gritting back the ever-growing pain while my gaze slowly lifted to see my heavenly beauty fluttering yards above and away from me.

Isis held a deeper set purple bow, that energy coming from it deceivingly stronger than expected. She appeared shaken herself for just a moment, but in the next, she grew still and analytical, the beating of her feathery white wings the only sound emanating from her.

I searched the sky as my breathing was ragged and uneven, having noticed the reaper that had appeared on the scene unexpectedly only minutes prior. I'm half surprised it didn't descend upon the sentinel angel and take its soul for the fun of it, just to stick it to the celestial beings. No, I wasn't even close, it appears almost statuesque while the demonic hands held the scythe in its grasp.

The air caught in my lungs...the second Isis' wings stopped; the energy drifted away from her as she plummeted down toward the Earth's surface.

"Isis!" I screamed as she fell faster than I could react, my wounds bleeding out while I attempted to keep a hold of my own wings, feeling my other half slipping away from me.

I couldn't steady myself in time, her body connecting with the ground and lying motionless. A few seconds later, her heart was faintly beating, her breathing coming very short as she continued to not move otherwise.

It was hard to fly down, but the second my feet touched down and I solidly landed on the ground, I let go of my strength and my demonic features receded. It took all my focus to even begin to heal, but the blade had done its damage and I wasn't sure if it would be reversible.

My steps were staggered as I made my way to her, hearing Icarus shouting, "Isis! Harlan!"

He was worried, the human cared.

There was so much blood...but it wasn't hers. Thaddeus had landed just a few feet away from where Isis now lay face down, her wings completely limp and almost appearing broken. It would appear that she'd been forsaken...cast out of Heaven and left to fall on her own for what she had done.

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