Book 7⌇7. If You Must...

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Chapter 7 ∣  If You Must...


Fluffy wings?

Seriously, did he just call me fluffy wings?

The voice that spoke to me was demonic, and the drastic change in demeanor made it impossible to tell what he was going to do next. Yes, my energy had no effect on him, but what else was I supposed to do? Claiming that I was his mate was humorous, knowing simply that there was no possible way for that to be true.

"Come on fluffy wings, you want to hurt me so, badly don't you?" The demon Harlan chuckled and then shifted his stance so that his back was now facing me while his eyes gazed off in the distance. "I'll let you have one free shot," he taunts me, rocking back and forth on his heels like some overgrown man-child.

I angrily grip the celestial bow when he sighs, "Oh fluffy wings, I don't have all day."

"Stop calling me that!" I finally snap.

He glanced back over his shoulder and arched a brow before he enunciated, "F-L-U-F-F-Y W-I-N-G-S."

"Why must you call me that?" Gripping the bow harder, I scowled at his amused smirk.

"You have wings," he pointed at them as my feathers ruffled back into place, "and they are fluffy."

Drawing back the string, I aimed the bow at Harlan's exposed and offered back, a single celestial arrow morphing at my fingertips. The shot was lined up, fueled by the anger eating at my soul since he started taunting me.

The wisps of electric blue energy brushed against my cheek, the arrow drawn and the string taut. My eyes widened and I released the air I held in my lungs deeply. In the next moment, the energy released into its natural form, flowing lightly on the breeze that surrounded us.

Instead, I pushed off the ground and flew straight at Harlan's back, ready to slam my fist against it. Well, he had other plans as well, for when I neared him, he swiftly turned around and caught my fist in his hand. He drew me in close against his chest, hugging me while he exclaimed, "Oh fluffy wings! I knew you couldn't resist me!"

A scream erupted from the back of my throat, struggling hard in his grasp, I tried to escape. It almost seemed like I had a fighting chance, but the longer his skin touched mine, the very real feelings surfaced while that deep fog lifted from my back up my spine until it rested just below my skull.

"Please stop..." I slammed my fist against his chest, but his arms wrapped around my back and continued to entrap me against his solid form. Everything about this was wrong and now I wondered if I would ever have the life I once knew back to normal.

Harlan's lips brushed the outer shell of my ear, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. His warm breath fanned my skin and a shiver traveled up my spine, both of my hands grasping the front of his dark shirt as he said, "Afraid of letting yourself go?"

"N-No," I replied quickly while I pushed against his chest once more to see if I could create some space between us. He wouldn't allow it though, because his muscles tensed each time, I made an effort to separate the two of us.

He wants this...I don't.

I gasped and cried out, "Please! Just stop!" There was something that slithered up my leg under my white dress and started to coil around my thigh just above my knee. I could only assume it was his tail, as I felt the spade flick the outside of my thigh before flattening out.

"You wouldn't listen to me before," his voice was dangerously low at my ear and fear crept under my skin with each word he spoke. I wasn't sure how I felt about this voiced laced in his normal tone that he used with me earlier, but if I didn't get out of this soon, maybe dying would have been a better option. "But now," I felt his tail move again, but one of his hands released my back and I found the grip of his fingers around my chin rather rough. His electric blue eyes locked with mine, my heart skipping a beat when he finished, "Maybe you will."

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