Book 7⌇15. VV1-I

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Chapter 15 ∣  VV1-I


Apparently, Icarus wasn't the only one to have a stroke of genius luck tonight. The witch Ayanna had also figured out what he possibly could have been missing in his calculations along with Whitney having already been in their lab when we arrived. Isis and I were not corporeal to this world, though I knew she could see me, I could not see her so I decided to sit on my favorite bench and stew with hate over the fact Icarus had interrupted the progress I was making with Isis.

Whitney, Ayanna, and Icarus were all three up on the second level, working with chemicals and too many important and long names for me to remember at this moment, but it was very confusing. A poof of brightly colored smoke here and a liquid changing drastically from another color was like a fucking unicorn farting rainbows exploded in the lab and I was just watching the aftermath.

The door suddenly slid open, but much to everyone's surprise, it wasn't Lilith as they had hoped. Instead, a human with dark brown hair and blue eyes entered the room, a very tired look set on his face.

Ayanna parted her lips to speak, but Whitney cut her off by exclaiming, "Where the hell have you been?"

"Personal business," the individual replied, shrugging while his backpack hit the seat of a chair and his eyes flickered up to the three working their asses off.

"Damon...we've been a bit worried," Ayanna starts, removing her gloves and lifting her goggles back onto her forehead before she came near the top landing of the stairs. She furrowed her brows while she looked him up and down and continued, "Lilith mentioned you'd be away, but why didn't you even bother to answer my texts?"

Oh...I see she must have had a thing for this guy and settled with Icarus in his absence. Really set the bar high, didn't ya?

Something's off...look at his body language.

It was unsettling, the way he appeared standoffish to the group, keeping his distance as Ayanna slowly descended the stairs, her eyes never leaving Damon. When she reached the bottom landing, Whitney also leaned on the railing to get a better view of what might be a quarrel about to spark.

"I told you, personal business, that's all," Damon sighed with irritation but a very worried look crossed his face the second Icarus spoke.

"Guys," Icarus' voice was uneasy, almost unsure of himself but reiterated, "Guys!" He glanced up from the table, holding a small vile filled with a light indigo liquid. He removed his goggles and marveled at what he had created before smiling broadly, "It's the active virus...VV1-I, it's ready to be tested."

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

Chill the hell hasn't even been tested. It very well might not work.

Ayanna turned on her heels and smiled, "Are you serious?!"

"Absolutely!" Icarus exclaimed and Whitney was the first to take hold of the vial and admire what it held.

Whitney widened his eyes and patted Icarus on the back before handing the vial back over as his voice trailed off, "This can change everything..."

"Yes...yes it can," Damon wasn't too thrilled by the idea that Icarus had created such a weapon. Why would he have a problem with it? They're in the same research team.

As Ayanna was already on the bottom landing, she stated, "I'll go get Lilith!"

With a quick wave goodbye, she was on her way through the sliding door, Damon, Whitney, and Icarus left in silence. Icarus was still grinning from ear to ear and even though his sudden epiphany of what he was missing happened at such a horrible moment, I was kind of glad to see how giddy he was over something like this.

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