Book 7⌇10. The Hunter

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Chapter 10 ∣  The Hunter


"Stop! You must be mist-" Ayanna cried out as she attempted to throw the hunters' focus solely on herself, Icarus struggling against his own captor.

The fuck are they doing here?

I haven't the foggiest...

"I don't believe we have," the one restraining Icarus directed his answer to the witch.

In the next moment, I gripped the railing with my hand, feeling the energy shift within me and my demonic features clawing to the surface. But, in the following second after, Isis stood next to me and raised her hand.

With the snap of her fingers, her time-freezing thingy put a halt to any actions the hunters were about to make. She drew the string back with an overwhelmingly energized arrow pulsating with life appeared nocked and aimed right at the hunter that entrapped her varind.

"One," her voice was quiet but just loud enough for me to hear her begin to count.

She lined up the shot and at the same time she breathed out, "Two," she loosed the arrow and it sailed through the air at top speed. The arrow struck its target between his eyes, the end piercing through the back of his skull while blood seeped from the wound, trailing down the bridge of his nose and over the tip.

"Three," she had already focused her energy, another arrow morphing at her count. Her heart was beating erratically in her rib cage while her breathing tried to even out, but I could still see her hands shaking as she held her grip tight on the bow.

Her subconscious is eating at her.

I know, in her eyes she's killed someone she shouldn't have.

Even though they want her varind...the fuck are these hunters up to?

I don't know...but she's panicking.

My eyes locked onto her arms, both shaking and the expression on her face was one of desperation.

"Four..." her voice trailed off while she took in deep breaths and when she went to draw the string back, her aim was not directed at the remaining hunter. She couldn't focus, blinking whatever images she was seeing in front of her eyes, but whatever she was trying had little to no effect on her capability to do what needed to be done to protect Icarus.

I shouldn't even care.

She cares...we but yea...

Isis' eyes widened, "Five," she exhaled and the world around us went back into full motion. The hunter who she had shot and killed; his body fell to the ground on his back from the caught up force the arrow used to penetrate through the skull. Icarus fell forward and landed on his knees, breathing hard as he looked up to see Ayanna with a horrified look on her face, the other hunter staring in disbelief.

When the hunter snapped out of his shock the words, "We were only here to bring you, to-" a motion was made at Icarus while Ayanna struggled much harder against the hands that held her wrists tightly behind her back when a knife was placed against the front of her throat, "but I guess I'll have to kill her first."

Ayanna's movements ceased, her heart beating a million miles a minute as the metal pressed harder, cutting and drawing her blood. She winced; a small line trickled from the end of the cut while Icarus slowly got to his feet. He was confused, his own body shaking with fear, the fear of not knowing if they were going to live or die.

Well, we've already been revealed once...

Party time! Let's go!

Relaxing and allowing the continued presence of my demonic features to become known, I heard Isis take in her breath next to me. She whispered, "What are yo-"

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