Book 7⌇17. Message Received

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Chapter 17 ∣  Message Received


I'd already searched most of Lilith's office, finding nothing out of the ordinary. Whatever her intentions are were kept secret and from prying eyes, however...there was a very curious filing cabinet that was the item I'd yet to search. When I approached the cabinet and took the handle into my hand, it was either locked or jammed shut.

Oh well.

My hand became incorporeal and I let it slide past the lock, tweaking the mechanism before pulling my hand back and the drawer was left slightly ajar.

Let's see what you're hiding.

Probably her porn...the pureblood must get lonely.

A smirk played on my lips, flipping through the tabs of the folders.


Absolutely nothing.

Fuck. Isis is going to be worried as shit because we can't find anything.

What's that?

I noticed it a second after, a single tab of one of the back folders tucked down and crammed in between two others. After removing the folder, I brought it to her desk, settling myself comfortably in her high back leather chair. I even decided to kick my feet up and make myself at home because, why not? She's preoccupied with killing her own species, I doubt she'll have a care in the world of anything outside of that testing lab.

Let's see, what do we have here?


Not important.


Blah, blah, bla-

It took me a few minutes to ruffle through the papers until I started to narrow my eyes and noticed that there were dates at the bottom of the pages. I stopped and went back through the papers, organizing them and I soon realized they weren't just nonsense, they were letters, broken up by the lovely thing we call...time.

That's a shit ton of time.

The first one's almost 1,340 years old! How old is this fucker?!

The first of the letters read:


I know you've always distanced yourself, but after your mother died, I thought it would have brought us all closer together, but the boys and I would really like to see you again. It's been a while and I figured we could throw a welcome home party if you'd like. I know she wasn't your real mother...but I thought you would have developed feels for the woman who took care of you when your real mother abandoned you and left you to me only to take care of.

I want to introduce you to everyone, including a very close friend of mine. Even though his filthy offspring was the cause of your mother's death, he's kind himself. I have not spoken a word about your existence to anyone and neither have your brothers as we respect your decision to leave.

Please keep in touch sweetie,



Seems like she had issues with her family, wonder why.

I couldn't believe the sheer number of letters this woman had received over her lifetime. A one more recently sent from her father read:


The hunters are all but on the brink of being annihilated. I wanted you to know as your eldest brother went on a witch hunt for these filthy hunters. There are only a few family lines left, including the very prominent Larson. They've been searching a while for them, but with no luck. Maybe with your own expertise, you could help your brothers.

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