Book 7⌇16. Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer

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Chapter 16 ∣  Keep Your Friends Close and YourEnemies Closer


Damon's a hunter.

I felt something different from him when I first saw him with Icarus, but I couldn't quite place my suspicions until they were confirmed tonight. One of his contacts slipped and I noticed the telltale sign of their white irises. It was brief and when he glanced away from Whitney, but I saw...I'm not sure exactly what I'm more afraid of now...Icarus being around a pureblood vampire or a hunter with ulterior motives.

If I could just get him by himself...he needs to know the danger around him, including the part about how I left him in the dark regarding Lilith. Part of me didn't want to reveal his present company because I'm not sure if Icarus would have freaked and gotten himself killed, or if he would have given up his research altogether and left for a safer place.

Regardless of what I had and hadn't done, he needs to know now.

Icarus, Whitney, and Ayanna were in the testing lab, setting up their supplies on a table across from a silver restraint chair. Icarus placed a small portion of the VV1-I into a capsule and placed that capsule into a needle, ready to inject their specimen if the lures were successful. With Damon though, I wasn't entirely sure if he'd let them take a vampire back, but then he very well might raise suspicions about his motives.

"I need to get a few more supplies from our research lab," Ayanna sighed with a little frustration, but she turned to Whitney and asked, "could you give me a hand while Icarus prepares?"

"Yea, whatever," Whitney stood up from the chair he'd gotten rather comfortable in within the last ten minutes and I swear he might have been dosing off. It was late, closer to three or four in the morning now and soon the sun would rise and the chance of the lures finding a vampire was slim to none as they'd have to wait another day before testing the virus.

The two of them left the room, swinging the door shut behind them as this one was not an automated door, one of the very first ones installed in the Augmented Institute. My varið was also uneasy as the shaking of his hands while he tried to close the capsule was giving away just how nervous he was to demonstrate the virus in front of others.

In a split second, I appeared before the door, locking it behind me and causing Icarus to spin around with his heart practically in his throat. His heart tried to regain its normal rate, his hand flying to his forehead as he set the needle down on the table.

"'re going to give me a heart attack," he mumbled while attempting to compose himself.

I wasn't the only one to take physical form on Earth, Harlan appearing directly beside Icarus with his arms crossed in front of his chest just as he stated, "Well, this is oddly boring."

"Flippin' fucking hell!" Icarus jolted from the sudden presence reveal that Harlan obviously did on purpose to get him going. He fell back into a chair as he clutched his heart, glaring daggers at the incubus with hatred.

Harlan narrowed his eyes and shrugged, "Oh pity...he didn't have a heart attack."

"Are you serious right now?!" Icarus glowered and straightened himself on the chair, making sure he hadn't knocked the needle and capsule near the edge of the table.

"Damn...better luck next time," Harlan chuckled and walked away from Icarus, just as I was crossing the floor to come closer to my varið, "Fluffy wings!" Harlan exclaimed while he held his arms wide and ready to bring me into a warm embrace.

How I really wanted to fall right into him and never let go...


"Hey!" Harlan swiveled his head as I walked right past him and toward Icarus, hastily reaching the table with a very worried expression on my face.

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