Dry Cleaning

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I glanced around me, feeling disgusted. I had brushed my teeth. Seven times now.

But it still stays.

The warmth of his lips upon mine.

Eww... Eww!

I took another press of toothpaste. I rubbed. Rubbed really hard.

After washing my mouth I stare at myself in the mirror. And suddenly, I looked different.

My eyes were a little wider, my nose a bit well-formed and my lips...

My lips...

They're redder than before.

And the occurrence flashed again.

My nostrils was filled with him. His scent hanging on the bathroom walls, the bath towels, the soap, the shampoo, the water. Everything was him and I was hopelessly trapped in them, wrapped and strangled by the fragrance I can't help but be attracted to.

A knock comes from the other side of the door.

"Hey, what's taking you so long?"

I didn't answer him, finishing fast.

"I need to wee." He says.

Without a minute more, I opened the door to his face, his build blocking my way.

"Excuse me." I politely said, "Your saliva is lingering in my lips, that's why."

He smirked and enters the bathroom, our arms rubbing together. "Glad to know. Do you want more? It's my pleasure."

I groaned and rolled my eyes.

He closes the door behind him and I proceed to do my work.

And somehow, work again, made me distracted.

I hadn't thought of what happened since I started the laundry. And it was nice.

I was finishing up with the undergarments when I found one a little too different.

And when I mean different, it wasn't for males.

I held the black lace up, imagining. This underwear was so see through, I vomitted at the thought of wearing it.

And somehow, knowing about this made me shiver. "Oh my God," I said, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Do I need to throw this or not?" I asked him, as he opened the door.

"Throw it." He muttered, pushing past me to get to the living room. "Or you could wear it. Your choice. You could look sexy in it."

I threw it at him. "You and your stupid sex life!" I took a run for the laundry room, closing it behind me.

He is so egotistical! That wretched guy!

Suddenly, I had the urge to call Louie.

"Hey," He greeted, too awkward for a man his age. "What's up, dear?"

"Uh, has Chrome been seeing someone lately?" I couldn't help but ask.

"No, he's the type to actually imprison himself alone," He answered, "Why do you ask?"

"I just found an u-u-under-w-wear..." My voice trailed off, thinking about what he said earlier to me.

You could look sexy in it.

I shivered again.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." He said. And repeating it is embarrassing.

"Nevermind, forget I said something."

A knock comes from the laundry door and Chrome opens it. "Hey, are you done doing the laundry?"

"Why'd you ask?" I questioned, setting the dried linens down.

"I need some time alone."

"Yeah, I'm just gonna fold these and I'm gone with the wind." I smiled, inwardly wondering why he wanted to spend some time alone.

He smiled.





I froze on the spot, staring at his pearly whites as he shined them in front of me. I realized it and I shook my head. He drops his grin and leaves the room. Without a second thought, I finished the laundry.

Before dashing out the door.

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