What's Rightfully Mine

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Chrome's POV

I arrived in front of the store house. Somehow, it was eerily quiet here. Nathan had gotten here before me, but he didn't ride off his bike. It was as if he was waiting for me. I quietly locked my car, heading towards Nathan. He took off his helmet.

On his face was was an annoyed look. He got down from his vehicle, striding fast before me. Both of us didn't say a word until the situation needed more than individual skills. It needed planning. I pulled his arm as soon as I reached his pace. "We'll need a plan," I whispered into his ear.

He shook me off, still walking towards the building that loomed on us like a big drawn pentagon.

"I don't know about you, Ashfield. If I hadn't come, she'd be found dead tomorrow on a field." He spat, reaching the doors of the store house. It was very dark inside, but there were noises, like someone shuffling in the dark.

I couldn't help but feel guilty at his words. But I didn't know what to do! Kaye is like a hurricane, such surprises of hers blow me off to the state of being frozen.

Just why am I doing this?

Is it really my fault I didn't go with her? That I wasn't quick enough?

I was so lost in my thoughts that one of the pals went out smoking, and that I didn't notice him standing outside. Nathan stops me to hide in the shadows.

The man had a smug smile on his face as he puts a cigarette between his lips. "We'll jump on him and tackle him to the ground. You hold his mouth while I knock him off using his pressure points." Nathan suggests, dashing off before I say a word again.

Somehow, I total look like a loser.

I run off after him. As we reached the man, I clamped my hands on his mouth kicking his knees. He falls backward. Nathan takes this perfect timing to hit his neck. The man faints down to the ground.

Then a voice calls out, "She's going to be a great time, George."

Great time? What the heck?

Nathan grabs my shoulder, "They're going to rape her you dimwit!" I saw his face. It was worried with a mix of anger.

I sighed. To tell you the truth, I don't know what to feel. Should I be her hero and save her day? Or should I feel sorry and rescue her?

"Seeing her naked is turning me on." The voice says again, from outside, I could clearly understand the lust in them.

She's naked. She's naked. She's naked!

A picture of her in my head doing what the man says they'll do was something I couldn't bear. Suddenly, all the acid in my stomach rises to my throat and my eyes were wider now. I could clearly see in the dark. Nathan was opening the door with failed efforts.

Adrenaline punches in. But I wasn't frozen.

I'll be her hero and save her day.


I kicked the door with force that the wood splintered. The door flies, hitting the second comrade inside the building by his head. He flew unconscious with the door, hitting the wall. The leader looked at us with a startled look.

From the dim fluorescent light bulb's light, I could see her brother lying in a heap on the floor, blood all over him.

It was sim, but I could brightly see her.

Kaye was tied up, on her arms and legs just like those in superhero movies. She was spreading the wide. In the yellow light, her face was pale and sweat was dripping from them. She wasn't naked only half. Her jeans were torn into sheds and her shirt was on the floor, leaving her underwear for us to see. My eyes darted back to the man.

The man grins, throwing a punch at me. It hits me hard on my face but I returned it with much force as he did.

I pushed him to the wall. He throws a punch at me, I dodged it, kicking his shin. He staggers, crying out loud in pain. I kicked harder. He was down on the ground.

He tries to pick himself up, but I kick his head. Hard. Harder. Hardest.

Until he bled and his eyes were bruised. I held him by the collar. I wanted to say the words, say it so badly. I leaned in close, whispering to him, "Don't mess with my wife."

He smugly smiles. But I wasn't satisfied.

It's because I wasn't the hero.

I didn't cut of the ropes and slung her on my shoulders.

I didn't help her get away.

I only helped her brother.

It was Nathan.

She kissed Nathan Peirce on the cheek.

The kiss I knew belonged to me.

I loathed him more.

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