Lines I Need to Draw

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"Yeah, so what?" Chrome's voice was cold and I doubted if he really was the one answering the phone. But it really was. His tone and accent were unmistakable.

I gazed at the phone on my hand. My brother clears his throat, still on the stage of swallowing thd truth vefore him.

"You did what?" He asked again, taken aback. It wasn't normal for a girl to trade her future for money, much more his sister. He just couldn't believe what he heard. His prideful sister, stooping down?

I sighed, disappointed about God knows what. I turned back at him, crossing my arms over my chest. It was common knowledge that I'd sacrifice my all to keep this family intact and safe. I rolled my eyes, "Keith, this is the seventh time I told you, even Jake over there seemed bored. I married this bastard to--"

"Yeah, I know," he continues, "I just don't get it. The Chrome Ashfield? Why my sister of all people?" He looked at me from head to toe, my eyes twitched, what was he doing that for?

"You're plain looking. Only finished third year in medicine. Short tempered and of course, short. You're fat too and you sleep almost all the time!"

"And your body is...just, so-so." Jake finished for him, yawning from behind me. I took my shoe of, throwing at him. I heard him cry in shock.

"Who asked your opinion, dog?" I bit back at him and Jake seemed offended.

"His father picked me."

"Woah, that's worse. You have old people sex appeal!"

WTF? I leapt off the bed. I gave them last glares before I closed the hospital door behind me. I shook my head as I got out in the silence of the hall. Only several nurses passed by, giving me curious glances.

I gripped the phone in hand, the heck with Ashfield? He's friendly then cold after. What's with him?

The least he could do was feel sorry for me! I almost got raped!

"If you have nothing more to say, just hang up. And if you're well now, fulfill your part of the bargain. The money's ready."

He still sees me as a gold digger huh?

I decided to go home, since my brother was perfectly safe with Louis' dog here. I hailed a taxi as I got out of the hospital.

My hospital bills have been paid too. Somehow, I felt different, likeI wasn't me anymore. I feel yearning for something I just don't know. Somehow, I missed my old life. I looked out the taxi window, the cars passing by. I missed my independence. I missed the days when I had a goal to reach.

I want that life back. But first, I have to keep the part of my bargain. As soon as I find her, the sooner I'm out of this world.

I dialed Louis, putting my phone on my ear. His secretary picks up on the fourth call. "Uh, Richards, hey, can I talk to Louis?"

"Yeah,I'll put him on line for you."

"Hello, dear, glad to hear from you. You're both doing good?"

"Yes, Louis, thanks to you. Uh, I have to talk to youabout something. Are you free now?"

"Yes," he answered.

I smiled, turning away from the window, "Let's meet at the cafe."



I watched his sleek Mercedes park on the pebbled lot. His door was opened by a man in black, the typical sunglassed guy with a suit. He had his eyes on me until he sat down across me. I sipped my cup of water. For now, the shop was empty.

"What is it, dear?"

"Can I draw some lines?"

"Between you and Chrome? Why?"

"I don't want to get attached to him. I'm only for temporary right? So I've gotta leave no strings attached."

On his face was a look of satisfaction. It seemed like he agrees on what I'm saying. He was nodding as I continued on, "If I'm only for the people's eyes to see, I'll only show up on important dates. The rest normal days,I get to live my own life. As the normal me."

"Did you talk to Chrome about this, Kaye?"

"No," I say, hiding my disappointment, "It's common knowledge to him. I'll only go when I'm needed, until he'll no longer needs me."

"I see," he says, putting his cane down beside him, "I'll agree with it. I understand you, dear. Yes, draw the lines, all you want."

What's this comfort?

It's like I've known him all my life.

God, what's this?

Could I treat this feeling as a fatherly love?

Is it wrong to think that Louis is my father?

I shook the thought away. This would be another rope tying me. I'm already doubting my feelings about Chrome. I don't want more problems to clear with when I'm gone.

When I'm gone.


I turned the lights od my room on, the familiar coziness welcoming me with open arms. I sniffed my covers. The same soapy smell, the same arrangement, the same books, the same clothes, the same me.

Muzzling deeper into my pillow, I loosened my hair tie, letting the waves fall. I drew in a breath, sighing myself to sleep.

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