|Chapter 11|

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I stepped into the house and looked around. The house was eerily silent and it looked a mess. The table was turned over along with the chairs. The television was on the kitchen floor with pieces of the screen shattered around it.

I walked through the house, my eyes looking at every little thing. I ended up back at the front of the house and my eyes drifted upstairs. I blew out a shaky breath.

Something's not right. They would have been in here by now. Especially Matt.

I sat the pole by the steps, the metal making a soft clank.

I set my right foot on the stair, thankful it didn't make a sound. I held my gun out, ready to pull the trigger. I continued until I got to the hall with all our rooms.

I pushed open Matt's room door, expecting to see him sitting there.

When it was empty, I quickly made my way down the hall. My heart was pounding inside my chest. I twisted the knob to my door, but it didn't budge.

"Matt?" I whispered.

I pressed my ear against the door. The door swung open and something rammed into my legs, sending me flying back into the wall.

My gun fell from my hand and slid across the hallway floor. I cried out in pain before survival mode took over.

My elbow smashed against their back, but their grip just got tighter. I started to knee him, trying my best to get away.

"Zoe! Zoe! Stop!" I looked up, my assault on the stranger pausing. A smile broke out onto my face.

"Matt." I sighed. They moved off of me and I rushed towards Matt, falling to the ground on my knees.

My arms wrapped around his body and I could feel wetness seeping through my shirt. I didn't care about the extra pain that was radiating through my thigh. Everything had flew out my head when I set my eyes on him.

"Ssh. It's okay. I'm here now. I'm here." I whispered in his ear. He cried on my shoulder and I could feel my heart breaking. I pulled him back and wiped his face.

"Are you okay? Did anybody hurt you? Were you safe? Did you feel comfortable? Is there somethi--"

"I'm okay, Zoe." He sniffed, but then looked me up and down.

"Is that your blood?" He asked scared. I bit my lip.


"Who's is it? What happend to your thigh?"

"That's not important right now, okay?" I asked. He gave me a small nod. I blew out a breath and stood up, looking behind me to see Kent leaning against the wall.

"Sorry for the... you know." I said. He chuckled.

"I'm sorry too. We didn't hear you come in." He said. I entered my room and raised a brow when I saw Kade sleeping in my bed.

"Seriously?" I asked. I chuckled and shook my head. I looked around the room, my eyebrows creasing.

"Where's my mom?" I asked, turning to Kent.

"She went out to get supplies. Said she wanted to have everything by the time you got here." He said. My breathing started to pick up and I could feel my stomach clenching.

I walked to my closet and pulled out some of my old book bags. I tossed one of them to Kent.

"Take Matt into his room and gather his clothes." My left hand was shaking and I closed it. She's not going to do what I think she is, is she?

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