|Chapter 27|

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I could feel a calm feeling wash over me from hearing his voice, but that quickly disappeared and was replaced with anger.

"I think you should mind your business." I snapped. I glared at his relaxed figure that leaned casually against the wall.

His muscles fought against the tight blue shirt that clung to his frame and his black pants hung loosely on his hips.

"Can you let me explain?" He pushed himself off the wall.

"No. There's nothing else for you to explain to me." I said. I continued walking, hoping he wouldn't follow me.

"So that's it? You're just going to leave me here?" He asked. I turned around, startled that he was so close behind me. I stepped away from him, clearing my throat.

"You lied to me, Kade. About everything. I don't trust you." I gritted out. He looked down at me, his white eyes giving me a feeling of comfort.

"That was an old part of my life. I was never going to kill you." He said. He stepped closer and this time I allowed him to.

"You work for Gregory-"

"Worked. I worked for Gregory in the past, but not now. Why would I be working with him, Zoey?" He asked.

His hand cupped my cheek and I hated how I leaned into his touch.

"I would never hurt you, Zoey. Not on purpose and if I do so, I want you to tell me, but this cannot be where this ends." He began to whisper.

"It's meant to happen," I said.

"What's meant to happen?"

"You're supposed to kill me, Kade. It's meant to be." I stepped away from him and buried my hands into my pockets.

"No, it's not. Don't believe that." He said.

"I have this feeling, Kade," I looked up at him, kind of wishing he could see me. Truly see me.

"It comes around every time I'm with you, but I would just shrug it off. Now, it has grown stronger and I can't fight it." My voice was shaky and I cleared my throat.

"What are you talking about?"

"It used to just be that buzz, but now it's something far more dangerous. I can feel it." I whispered.

My emotions were everywhere and I fought with myself to keep them contained.

"What are you talking about, Zoey?"

"Stupidity, Kade. That is what I'm talking about. I was stupid to trust anyone that wasn't my family." I began shaking my head.

"Scratch that. My own mother betrayed me. I can only trust Matt and he's held up somewhere with that lunatic!" My breaths were coming out fast and short.

Kade didn't say anything and he stepped back, his hands balled up.

"Is that how you feel?" He asked. Something unspoken seeped through his words and it sent a shiver down my spine.

The room temperature suddenly dropped and a shaky breath left my body. I stepped away from him, looking into his eyes. They were still white, but I could see black dots spread here and there.


"Is that how you feel, Zoey? You don't trust me?" He asked, stepping towards me.

"No. I don't trust you." I said. A deep, dark laugh erupted from his chest.

"Why not? Have I not gained your trust? I mean," he pulled his hair out if its ponytail and scratched his head.

"I'm risking my life to help you."

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