|Chapter 50- Epilogue|

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I stepped through the newly formed hole and picked Matt up by his throat. I punched him in his face, causing his head to fall back.

"Now you're mad? What did I say?" I gritted my teeth and threw him. He landed a few feet away from me. I could feel myself losing control and I glared at his form.

"You know, that human boy you loved so much is still in here. I can let him talk if you--" I snapped my fingers and the ceiling fell on his head.

He tried to stand back up, but I tackled him to the ground. Hot rage fueled my system and the feeling of it scared me. I've never felt so angry before.

"Go ahead. Kill me." I looked down and saw he was staring up at me. I gritted my teeth and punched him. His face was hard as steel and I reeled back, holding my hand to my chest.

"You see, Zoey, you can't win. You thought your target was Gregory. It was me." A wave hit me and I flew back, my head hitting a pillar. I dropped to the ground, wheezing.

"The events played out perfectly. You saw them. You knew you would have to kill me. You just ignored it!" I tried to stand up, but my body was slung across the room.

"I mean, how can you be so stupid?" He roared. I rolled out the way of an incoming table and stood to my feet. I thrust my hands in front of me and smiled as he hit the wall behind him.

"I wasn't stupid! I was blind. Blinded by you. My brother. A figment of the real thing that you killed!" I shot my hand out, his head hitting against the wall.

"My mother lost her child because of you! My real brother! She lost her life!" I closed my hand and pulled down. He released a small scream as his arm ripped off.

"If you would have given in properly, you could have predicted it." He breathed out.

"You're heartless!" I ran up to him and pushed my hand into his stomach. He gasped and I did the same. He looked down, those purple eyes taunting me.

"You are truly an idiot, Zoey." He spoke low. I pulled my hand out and saw it was covered in black blood.

"Release me." My body straightened out and I could feel my hold on him slip. He dropped from the wall.

"Kneel." I fell on one knee and I could feel my eyes go wide. Matt smiled and stepped in front of me. His hand touched my chest and I could feel my insides squeezing.

His body transformed back into kid form and I could feel tears prick my eyes.

"I want your last memory to be of me, Zoey. Of your little brother that you loved so much." He sneered.

His fist connected with my right cheek, sending my head flying to the side. Over and over again, he punched me to the point where I could barely see.

It felt like my chest was caving in and I could feel blood drip from my nose and over my lips. The taste of the metallic liquid sent a shock through me.

It's the bloodlust for us. We crave it. The kill. The blood. The screams. The cries. You can't even deny it, Zoey.


Crave it.

The blood.


I clenched my teeth and pushed him back as hard as I could. He stumbled back and I brought the hand I had stuck in his stomach to my lips. I sniffed the blood, my tongue aching to lick it off my hand.

"I said kneel!" He shouted.

My body dropped to the ground, but not before I trailed my tongue on the back of my hand. It was disgusting, but also sweet. My body buzzed with something unfamiliar, but I welcomed it with open arms.

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