|Chapter 28|

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I walked out the door, my hands tingling. I shook my head, my vision going in and out.

"What about him?" The man asked me. I shrugged.

"He can stay down there for all I care," I said. I released a long staggered breath, trying to calm my raging heart.

"Are you sure, kid? I don't think-"

"Close the door!" I shouted, not looking back at the man. I could hear the door slowly closing and I clenched my teeth, groaning.

"What now?"

I looked to my side and saw dull, blue eyes. My eyes trailed down to the unkempt, dirty beard on his face and to the torn clothes that covered half of his body.

Black hair trailed down his back. Dirt splattered his pale skin and his feet were bare. I could feel myself start to feel pity for him.

"First, I am going to take you to the Admiral's room," I began walking.

"While you're showering and taking care of yourself, I'm going to talk to someone about some... things." I finished. I felt a hand grip my forearm, making me stop.

"Why are you doing this, kid? Why are you risking your life for me?" He asked. I shrugged his hand off of me and continued walking.

"You're my only hope to finding my brother and stopping Gregory. You're useful." I simply said. I could see him flinch in the corner of my eye and I was about to say how I didn't mean it like that, but I stopped myself.

I did mean it like that. He's useful. That's the only reason I released him. He knows things I don't, which will change very soon. Same goes for Michael. He can help me get to Matt and Kent is just an extra gun.

Kade on the other hand... not so helpful. That's why he had to go.

"I don't mean to pry, kid, but are you okay? Your hands have been shaking since we've come from the prison and your eyes keep flickering everywhere." He said.

"I'm fine. Just thinking." I said.

"About?" I rolled my eyes.

"How people that aren't useful to me will die," I said. I heard him chuckle.

"You sound cute when you try to act tough. Cut the act. It doesn't quite suit you." He said. I looked over at him, his frame slightly hunched over.

"It's not an act. I'm serious." I said. He shook his head.

"You're just a little girl. You weren't meant for this, kid. You were thrown into this lifestyle a week ago and you're still trying to adjust to it." He said. I looked away from him, staring ahead.

Am I just trying to adjust to it?

"Where's the room? I feel like we've been walking for ages." He said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I blinked, nodding my head. Right. I almost forgot.

"We're almost there. It's just down the hall to the right." I said. We walked in silence and that's when I started to wonder.

Did anyone hear Kade and I yelling in the hall?

I mean, there had to be someone that heard us. This bunker is full of people, but no one came running. No one interfered. That's just weird.

My mind started to wrap around a solution. I looked up, my eyes scanning the corners of the ceiling.

"Is this the room?" I looked back at the man.

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