|Chapter 16|

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Everyone drew in a breath and I stepped back, not sure of what was about to happen.

Surprisingly, a smile broke out on James' face and he barked out a laugh. I looked around, confusion flowing throughout the room.

Did I say something funny?

"She has guts, I'll give her that. Now, let's discuss this plan." He said, turning back to the map, but not before winking at me.

I looked at man bun and saw him glaring at me. I smirked and crossed my arms over my chest.

"We can cover land through the West End of downtown. They haven't gotten that far yet." James said, catching my attention.

"No way. They're completely all through that area." I said.

"How would you know?" Man bun asked. I blew out a breath. I'm starting to not like this guy.

"Michael and I went through there. We killed them, but there are bound to be more patrolling in the area."

"Okay. Then we'll set up opposite of there. Zoey and I will take a team of six with us. Commander, you'll take a small group of three with you to check out the West End and give us feedback." James said.

"Yes, Sergeant." Man bun said. Well, now can be referred to as Commander.

I began shaking my head, the stubborn side of me coming out.

"What about the guys?" I asked. James looked back at me.

"The guys?"

"Yeah. Michael, Kent, and Kade. I'm not leaving without them." I said.

"We kind of figured that. They're with the Admiral." Perry said behind me. I glanced at him.

"The Admiral?"

"Yes. The Admiral sent us to retrieve you. He saved your friend and your life." James said.

"I recall waking up tied down. How is that saving?" I asked, bitterly. The Commander shook his head, scoffing at me.

"You had an infection starting to spread through your thigh. Another twenty-four hours, you probably would have had to amputate your leg." He said. I gulped, feeling sorry.

"Kent would have died from the venom that was released out of that bullet," Perry added. I nodded, looking down at my thigh.

The bullet wound didn't look as it had before. It was clean and it looked like a scratch. It was pretty much healed up and that had questions popping up in my head.

"What kind of medicine heals a gunshot wound this quickly?" I asked, looking up at them. Perry cleared his throat.

"It's classified." He said. I nodded, another question popping up.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"A week," James said. My eyes went wide and I could feel my heart pick up its pace.

"A week? I have to go." I turned around and exited the room, Perry on my heels.

A week! I was out for a freaking week! Jesus, what about Matt? Oh my god. Matt.

"Where are you going?" He asked. I didn't answer him and I turned down a hall, not sure about where I was going.

"Where are you going, Zoey?" He asked again.

"-no. I'm surprised that he hasn't found you guys down here yet."

I slowed down my pace as I heard Michael's voice. Perry yanked me by my arm, pulling me to him.

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