|Chapter 23|

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"Alright people, listen up," I said, entering the cafeteria.

James and Cain had gathered everyone back into the lunch room after I told them about my plan. They disagreed at first, but I was able to persuade them with a few head nods. If you get what I mean.

"I want everyone to stay in this room! No one is allowed to leave! If you leave, you die! Simple." I said, walking through the crowd. They gasped and looked at me in horror.

"Zoey," Michael warned. I chuckled, smiling.

"I'm kidding. Not really." I mumbled. I stopped in front of the room, standing on a table.

"You all have witnessed what I can do. Therefore, if you wish to betray me, hurt me, lie to me, or anything that is stupid against me, you will experience it first hand." I said, my voice carrying out through the room.

A woman raised her hand and I sighed, nodding.


"Are you really a prescient? I mean, sure you snapped that poor girl's neck without touching her, but that doesn't explain how you're a prescient." She said.

Kill her.

I blinked my eyes, shaking my head.

"I'm sorry. What?" I asked.

Kill her. She's challenging me.

"Shut up." I muttered. She looked frightened and I could feel guilt slowly creeping in. These people are scared of me and I'm just toying with their fear.

What is happening to me?

I blew out a breath, running a hand over my face.

"Look, I want to apologize to all of you for how I've been acting. I don't want you to be afraid of me. It's just..." I trailed off, looking down at the floor.

My eyes trailed over the blood stain on the floor and I could feel myself slightly reliving the memory of killing Ashley. I looked up at them, shaking my head.

"Gregory has my brother and he's all I have left. I intend to get him back in one piece and if anything gets in my way, they will get hurt or killed." I said.

"What if he's dead?" A man asked. I bit my lip to keep from shouting at him. It seems that's all I've been doing lately.

"He's not. I can feel it. Plus, Gregory wouldn't kill him. It's the only way he would be able to get to me." I said, hopping off the table.

"That is where my plan comes in." I walked through the crowd, glancing at everyone as I passed.

"Everyone is going to stay in here, behind the tables. You will be in groups of ten. Three people in each group will have a hand gun. Another two will have machine guns."

As I explained the plan, soldiers passed out the weapons. They began turning over the tables, creating barriers.

"If anyone comes into this room that hasn't been authorized, you shoot them on sight. No questions asked." I instructed. I felt a pull on my shirt and I looked down, my brown eyes connecting with warm, hazel ones.

"Can I have a gun tew?" The little girl asked, her thumb in her mouth. Her black hair was in a small afro and she had the longest eyelashes. I squatted to her height.

"You're too young for a gun, but I know something that you can do." I grabbed her hand and led her over behind the counter in the caferteria.

"You see those bags over there?" She nodded.

The PrescientTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang