|Chapter 34|

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It was dark and there weren't any signs of life. I sniffed, smelling burnt wood. Where have I smelled this before?


I turned around, my eyes scanning around me.

"You killed him, Zoey." The voice said again. My body tensed and I shook my head. Not this again.

"You shot him." The voice said, sounding more vicious. I looked down and saw a body laying on the floor. My fingers were wrapped tightly around the silver gun.

"It's not real," I mumbled. Harsh laughter hit me like a wave and I jumped, looking around.

"You killed your brother, Zoey. You killed Matt!" The voice sounded closer like it was right behind me. I turned without hesitation and pointed the gun at their chest.

"You wouldn't shoot me."

Kade smiled, his teeth a pearly white. His eyes were pitch black yet again and he was still dressed in all black. His hair was in a ponytail like usual and I found myself kind of wishing that I could see the real Kade. The nice one.

I glared at him. "Try me."

"Ooh. I'm scared. Listen here," he moved the gun out the way and closed the gap between us. I sucked in a breath. He smelled like.... death. He didn't smell like the regular Kade. The usual scent of the woods and rain had become my favorite smell over the past weeks.

"Gregory knows you're coming." My heart rose in panic.

"How? Did you tell him?" I asked. He scoffed, trailing a hand down my face. I tilted my head, his hand dropping back to his side.

"No. He found out on his own. And there's a problem." He turned around and began walking. His foot touched the ground and it glowed a bright white. He looked back.

"Follow me." He continued walking and I trailed behind him, glancing down at the glowing tiles. What is this?

"He has something, Zoey. I mean, something big. It could wipe out all the prescients on the planet." My head snapped up at him.

"What is it?" He stopped walking and turned to me.

"It's your brother."

My eyes shot open and my hands were shaking uncontrollably. I looked around and saw I was still in the car with the guys. I blew out a breath, trying to calm my beating heart.

"Sleep well?"

I looked to my side and saw Kent stretching. I nodded.

"Yeah. Something like that." Michael and Conner were asleep and I could feel that my arm was numb from Conner laying on it.

"You're lying." He said. I sniffed, looking in the front seat.

"Where are Perry and Cain?" I asked, hoping he would get off the subject. Thankfully he did.

"They're in the gas station scavenging for things that we might need. They've been in there for a while now." I sat back in my seat, closing my eyes for a brief second.

"Hey," My lids slid open and I looked over at him.

"You were mumbling in your sleep, Zoey. I didn't really hear anything, but I just want you to know," he reached over Michael and Conner, grabbing my cold, shaking hands with his warm ones.

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