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Waiting outside of the school, the cold, chilly air nipped at my exposed skin, and I cursed myself for not wearing a heavier jacket. I was shivering, and couldn't stop shaking my foot. I was waiting for Mom to pull up, and I was nervous, knowing that I would be in big trouble when she did. I had popped off earlier today, at some clown who was talking shit. I had enough of his mouth, and snapped. We were fighting in the hallway, and it took about three guys to pull me off of him. He did rough me up a bit though, but I still looked like myself, unlike him. Looking down at my fist, I rubbed it, a stinging pain shooting up my arm. I wasn't sure if I had fractured my hand or not, but I know that this pain was killing me. 

Seeing Mom pull up to the front of the school, I stood up, going over to the car. She got out of the car, and she didn't look too happy to see me. She must've been called in from work, as she was in her dress, blazer, and heels. "You look pretty Momma," I half grinned, trying to smooth things over. She placed her hand on her hips, running her thumb over my busted lip. "Amir King Carter-August, what did I say about your anger?" I sighed, "That I shouldn't let things get under my skin. But I had a valid reason, this time, Ma, I swear." She rolled her eyes, lifting my hand. "You lucky Uncle Ramiro wasn't sent up here to arrest you, what would that look like? Getting arrested by your Uncle." I started to grin, "Uncle works with narcotics, Ma."

"I don't care, King," she said, calling me by my middle name. 

She zipped up my jacket more, and we headed inside the school. I followed behind her as we walked into the office, where we then walked to the principal's office. Opening the door, Dr. Greene was waiting for us, typing away on his computer. "Mrs. Carter! Come on in, make yourself comfortable." I've always thought that he had a thing for Mom, as he was always giving me chance, after chance, after chance. I had been in this office over five times this school year already, and the only serious punishment I had gotten was when Dad showed up, instead of Mom. He gave me in school suspension for a week, and all I did was skip one class. Mom took a seat across from him, while I decided to stand up. 

Dr. Greene leaned closer to her, smiling. "What did Amir do this time?" Mom asked, looking at me. She turned back to Dr. Greene, and he sighed. "He broke another student's arm and nose. He also broke a few of his teeth." Mom shook her head, "What's his punishment?" "Since it wasn't his fault, he has three day of out of school suspension, and he gets a strike for being out of uniform." I rolled my eyes, mumbling. I wasn't even out of uniform. I just think Dr. Greene has it out for me. He got me for the littlest things, just so he could see Mom. I know that she's gorgeous, but damn, she's married and has a son. He's barking up the wrong tree. Mom stood up, and I opened the door to his office. We walked out of the front office, and to the front of the school, where she had to sign me out. 

"Momma, my hand is killing me.." I whined, getting in the car. "Where do you think we're going, Amir? Home, so I can get you some ice." She started up the car, and pulled out of the school's parking lot. "Can we go visit Dad today?" I asked her, looking out of the window. We stopped at a red light, and she looked at me, sighing. Whenever I brought him up, her whole mood seemed to shift. She didn't say anything, only continuing to drive as the light turned green. 

"We both don't have to go," I told her, "I'll ask Uncle Ramiro if he can pick me up, or I'll take an Uber to get back home."

 She still didn't say anything, and I sighed. "I won't go if you don't want me to, Mommy." She pulled into the drive through at Wendy's and turned to me. She kissed my temple, shaking her head. "No, no..I want you to go," she said, a hint of sadness in her voice, "don't let me hold you back." I stared at her for a while, even after she turned back to drive. It amazed me how she still managed to smile. When she was my age, she had been through a lot. Being kidnapped, twice, and being forced to become a prostitute, to keep me safe..it was crazy. It was a shame she had to go through that, but she's here now and that's all that matters. 

After we got my food, I decided that I wanted to go with Mom to work. I couldn't do much, I was just going to sit out front, and help patients sign in and out. Mom worked in an office, with a few other psychologists, and she was one of the best around. I had been in here a few times, when I didn't have school and she had to come in. I don't see why she didn't just leave me at home, I was seventeen, I knew how to take care of myself.  Swinging around in the chair, I held my ice pack on my hand, to keep the swelling in my hand down. After we left here, we would be going to the doctor so I could get a cast or whatever for my hand. 

The door opened, and in walked a familiar face. "Where's my daughter, her Daddy is here!" Grandpa Romelo walked up to the counter, staring at me. He had the attention of every one in the living room, and he didn't to care, really. "Amir, what is your ass doing here? You supposed to be in school." I grinned, "I got into a fight, see?" I removed the ice pack from my tattooed hand, and he snickered. "How hard did you punch him?" "Well, he was talking mess about Momma, and I wasn't having that." I hope the cast I got wouldn't cover up my hand completely, as I needed to write. I also wanted to show off my new tattoo. It was of Mom's birth date, something that she finally let me get. I already had enough tattoos as it is, and she couldn't resist giving in to me. This was going to be my last tattoo for a while though, cause Mom wasn't having it.

"So where's your mother?" He asked me, and I pointed towards the hallway where her office was. He smiled, "Ooh working with a patient, hm?" I nodded, and her office door opened, her patient leaving the room. He came up to the desk to sign out, and I called off a name on the clipboard. A woman stood up, and went to the back. I returned my attention to Grandpa, who had a smirk on his face. "You getting paid for this?" he asked. I rolled my eyes, "What do you thi-"

The front door opened, a man with an envelope walking in. He walked up to the counter with a smile, placing the envelope down. "Mail for Monae Carter," he smiled. "I'll give it to her, thanks," I nodded. He turned on his heel, and walked right out the door.  Looking the envelope over, I raised my eyebrows, looking at Grandpa. We both had the same expression; wonder. "It couldn't hurt to open the envelope, right?" I questioned biting my lip. He shrugged, and I decided to go ahead and open it. 

Inside was a folded sheet of paper, and I pulled it out, unfolding it. A photo fell out, and into my lap. Picking it up, it was photo of Dad, in his hospital bed. I was beginning to feel queasy about the contents of the paper, but I couldn't help but read it. 

    Monae, Monae Monae.

You really thought I was going to let you go that easily? It's such a shame the bullet didn't kill him. 

With the paper still in my hand, I stood up, making Grandpa raise his eyebrows. "What is it?" I didn't answer his question, only rushing back to hr office, slamming the door open. Her attention turned to me, along with her patient's. "What's wrong, sweetie?" she asked me.

"Mom..who else knows that Dad is in the hospital?" 

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