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I watched Grandpa as he got back into the limo, riding away into the night. I turned around, staring at the huge, tall, abandoned building. I was practically in the middle of nowhere, only one road going in both directions. My nerves were once again beginning to set in, and my hands were shaking - trembling, even. I couldn't stand still, not even for a second. In the limo, it was even worse. It all began to set in when I was on the way here. It felt like I was having a panic attack, and my surroundings weren't making it any better.

Here I was, standing in front of an abandoned building, in the middle of nowhere, and it's nearly pitch black out here.

I was damn near shitting my pants just waiting, hoping that the initiation wouldn't be as bad.  

I didn't have a clue what they were going to do to me.

Hell, they could bring me to the brink of death and just leave me, hanging in the balance.

I watched as an all black Mercedes pulled up, parking near the entrance to the lot. I swear, my heart was debating on jumping out of my chest. I was terrified, and I'm not afraid to admit that. Hopefully, I wasn't showing it on the outside. The car doors opened, and four men stepped out, in all black. I couldn't see any of their faces, as they were all wearing black masks. One of them stepped towards me, and suddenly, punched me right in the stomach.

Holding my stomach, I stumbled back, nearly about to fall to my knees. The one who punched me in the stomach stepped back, another approaching me in his place. I looked at him, trying to brace myself for what ever he was going to do to me. He stepped back a few inches from me, and before I had a chance to breathe in, his foot colliding with my chest, making me drop to my knees. I choked, gasping for air. I was now holding my chest, one of my hands on the ground to keep me stable. I felt lightheaded, not noticing that once again, another person had moved into place before me.

I didn't have to look up to know what was next.

I stared at the 2 x 4 resting upright in the man's hand.

It was dotted with dark, red spots, which I assumed were most likely blood, from previous victims of this torture. I noticed that there was huge splatter of blood on one side, and I hoped that I wouldn't be the one adding to it. I did realize one thing though. That this man was going to beat the shit out of me with that thing.

I began to notice that it came up off the ground, rising slowly out of my vision. I didn't bother to look up, hopefully I would avoid being hit in the eyes. I heard the lumber slice through the air, and felt it collide harshly with the side of my head. I fell onto my side, and I saw the man drop the 2 x 4, standing over me.

That's all I can remember.

When I came to though, it was a different story. I had woken up with a pounding headache, and I could feel something trickling down my forehead. It was most likely my own blood, I didn't have to guess to figure that out. My neck was killing me, and my chest and stomach felt like someone had jumped me, and stomped the shit out of me. I couldn't see anything, and one of them must've tied a blind fold over my eyes. I could tell that I was sitting upright in a chair though, and I tried moving my arms. 

I had been tied to the chair. 

Just my fucking luck. 

This was some fucking initiation. I had been smacked in the back of the head with a wooden slab, got my ass beat by two guys, and on top of that, I couldn't see shit, and I was tied to a chair like a prisoner. I better get some good ass treatment once I get out of here, and just wait until Mom finds out about this. I was pretty sure that she was going to be on the first flight over here once she got the news.

I heard a door open, and I turned my head to the source of the noise. I heard someone snicker, and suddenly I was flipped back, the chair failing to the ground with me in it. I groaned, wishing that they hadn't done that. Now my arms were killing me. 

"Rise and shine, nigga."

My blind fold was snatched off, and I winced, my eyes directly landing on the bright, fluorescent lights hanging above me. I looked away, my attention shifting to the man on my side. With a few blinks, my vision returned to its crystal clear state. He was staring at me, his eyebrow cocked up slightly. Apparently, my vulnerable state was funny to him. He could laugh it up for now, he wouldn't be laughing it up soon enough..

He lifted me back upright, standing before me. The man smirked at me, pulling the black hood down from around his head. I could see his face clearly, and I returned his harsh glare.

"King Carter, huh?" He snickered once more, shaking his head, "You got some balls, man."

I raised my eyebrows, not bothering to respond to him. He simply shrugged, and continued. "I'm surprised your parents managed to keep you under the radar, especially with Romelo's long ass rap sheet." I watched him as he pulled out a knife, beginning to slice the rope that I was tied with. 

"You know, you're real lucky Maurice is stupid as hell, or you would've had your ass sliced." 

I shrugged, watching his hands carefully. "That doesn't explain how you know who I am," I mumbled, looking away from him. He stopped, making me look at him. Once again, we stared each other down. He wasn't fazing me though. I honestly doubted that he would even think about killing me..does he know how many people would be after him?  

"Nigga, I'd advise you not to get a bitch attitude with the nigga who is going to help you with your little problem."


"I'm going to help you with your plan."

delirium (sequel to apathy)Where stories live. Discover now