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I was beyond nervous. 

I didn't see how Grandpa handled doing all of this shit once, he seems unafraid of anything. I wasn't even making a drop, or anything of the sort, I was just going to talk. Here I was, on the verge of pissing myself. I knew that it was my first time, so being nervous was expected, but I was on the verge of calling Mom up and getting on a flight back home. 

But she wouldn't let me do that, not after all the training and planning I've done. 

Sighing, I laid back on my bed, staring at my reflection in the mirror. I was hoping that my outfit was alright, and that I didn't look like a complete fool. I was trying to impress somebody important tonight, that could put me on the map and help me catch Marten's attention. 

I honestly wasn't ready for any of what I was about to do. I was only seventeen, and I was becoming a drug lord. That's outlandish shit right there. Sure, I had family members who went through all of this, but I was definitely not cut out for this. I couldn't stop thinking of what could happen to me out here. What if none of this worked out? What if I was only making it worse? 

I was real worried about what was going on with Mom. With all of us out here, who was there to protect her? I didn't give a fuck if Brandon was there, I doubted that he could actually protect her - and my little brother or sister. Hell, he might just give her up if his life was going to be spared. It didn't matter what Mom thought of him, he still gave me a bad vibe. 

Grabbing my phone off the charger, I called her up, waiting for her to pick up. Hopefully I wasn't waking her up, or that she wasn't too busy. The phone rang two times, and Mom picked up, greeting me with a happy hello. Hearing her voice made me smile, listening to her already start to worry over me. 

"I was just about to call you..I don't like you being so far away," I knew she was frowning, and I sighed.

She's always been like that, worrying herself sick over me. I understood that I was her child, but I could hold my own. I didn't mind though, I was happy to know that I had someone who worried about me so much. For a while, I listened to her tell me about her day, which was the same old, same old. Mom said that she couldn't wait for me to get home, but she had no new updates on Dad's condition. I was just waiting for the moment where he would wake up. It didn't matter if I had to be there or not. I just wanted to him to wake up, so that I knew that he was okay. 

"So Mom, are you going to tell me what you're having? I need to know," I pleaded with her. 

"I'll tell you soon enough, don't worry. I like you'll like it either way," she told me, teasing me. She didn't understand, this was huge for me. I wasn't going to be the only child anymore, and I would have a little person to take care of and protect, every once in a while. Plus, I was going to watch what I said and did. If she was having a girl, I couldn't be all rough with her, 'cause Dad would kill me. 

"But what's wrong baby? I feel like you aren't telling me something." 

I bit my lip, releasing a deep breath. "I'm nervous." 

"Amir, you can tell me."

"Well..tonight, Grandpa and Ramiro are taking me to a club, where I'll be meeting with this man, who works with Marten." 

Mom was silent while I explained to her what I was nervous for. Once I finished though, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest. I was going to the club in about fifteen minutes, and it felt good to talk to her before then. Mom calmed me down, reassuring me that everything was going to go smoothly, at least for now. She told me that I couldn't expect everything to go perfect though, but Grandpa and Ramiro were going to be there to make sure that it doesn't go too bad. 

Mom yawned, "I'm tired..exactly how I was when I was carrying you." 

I rolled my eyes, "Please don't start.." 

She laughed, "I won't. I'm going to go ahead and go to sleep. I love you, King." 

"I love you too, Ma." 

We hung up, just as Ramiro entered my room. 

"You just gotta go all out, don't you?" he smirked, referring to my outfit. I shurgged, looking at myself in the mirror. I was wearing all white, my gold watch the only thing different. I stood up from the bed, fixing the minor wrinkles in my shirt. Sure, I was going to attract attention, but that was what I needed to do, right? "Anyway, are you ready?" I nodded at his question, and he walked out of my room, me following behind him. Grandpa was waiting for us by the door, and he exited, all of us heading out to a limo. 

On the ride there Grandpa told me about Maurice. Apparently, he was Diana's pimp a while ago, and he was known for owning several strip clubs all over. He was one of Marten's several associates, that took in newcomers to their gnag, the Fiends. Martin was in the gang too, but who knows what he's up to now. Grandpa told me that I shouldn't let too much slip, and keep what I say short and simple. Don't explain if I don't have to. 

When we pulled up to the club, I was surprised to see so many people. They had the longest line I've ever seen, that stretched around the block. Every body of all shapes and sizes were here, and it amazed me how many people were fighting to simply get closer to the door. We didn't have to wait in the line though, as the bouncer just let us by. Grandpa had connections, no doubt. 

"Holy shit.." I mumbled, my eyes widening. People were doing almost everything. Drinking, smoking, dancing..I even saw a couple over in the corner basically fucking each other like nobody couldn't see them. Workers past by me, the music booming overhead while a girl danced on the pole. I had never seen one girl do some many flips in one try. 

I was tapped on my shoulder, my attention turning to Grandpa. He pointed in the direction of a man, dark skin and tall. Women surrounded him, only one guy by his side. I assumed that this was Maurice, and my assumption was correct. I saw the man by him point over at me, Maurice's attention landing on me. I simply smirked, and Grandpa started leading me towards him. I noticed that Ramiro was nowhere in sight, and I guessed that he would be catching up with us later. 

Maurice met us half way, a smile on his face. 

"Well, well, well...what do we have here?" 

delirium (sequel to apathy)Where stories live. Discover now