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"Where have you been? It was like you dropped off the face of the Earth!" Mom exclaimed, letting Brandon into the house. I looked him up and down, observing him. I had never seen this man before, nor has Mom ever told me anything about him before. Maybe it was just the fact that I was clueless to who he was, but I didn't like him. I knew that I barely knew him, but I just got a bad vibe from him. Maybe I was just over thinking it. 

"I've been traveling the world, Nae. I must've been gone for longer than I expected," Brandon's eyes shifted to me, where he cracked a smile at me.

I had since resumed eating my breakfast, which was now a little cold, but it was still breakfast, nonetheless. Mom rubbed my back, "Amir looks like a grown man, doesn't he?" Brandon nodded, "You were still in your mother's stomach when I left." I looked up at Mom, flashing her a smile. As much as I would love to hear them think about their high school days, I had somewhere to be. 

"I'm real sorry about Dante, Monae," I heard Brandon say, and that made me drop my fork. He looked at me, and I sighed. I hated when people brought up my father like that. It feels like they're speaking of him like he's dead. He's still alive, he's just in the hospital, in a coma. That doesn't mean that he won't pull through, just a few weeks ago he was responding to stimuli, and that had to be good, right? I felt like Mom and I were the only ones that believed he would pull through..

I looked at Mom, and she had fallen quiet. It was obvious that Brandon had brushed her the wrong way, and then she looked at me. I could see the hurt in her eyes, but she shook her head, "Do you have a place to stay, Brandon?" I noticed that she completely disregarded what he had said, but I decided against saying anything about it. I noticed that whenever I brought the subject of Dad up, or something that was related to him, she just closed up and tried to move the conversation onto something else.

I know she's hurting, but she doesn't have to try to hide it from me..I can see it written all over her face. 

He nodded, "I was going to book a hotel for a few nights."

"You don't have to do that! You can stay with us." 

Although I didn't quite like the idea, I kept my mouth shut. It would good for Mom to have a friend around, I guess. Maybe the house would be a little more lively with another person in it. It was getting kind of boring with just as two. 

"Ma, can I go to Grandpa's now? He also said that he wanted some breakfast," I asked, getting up to put my plate in the sink. Grandpa was always demanding food. Especially from Mom, but I couldn't understand it. Grandma cooked, and their "butler" did too, so what was he demanding food for? Mom rolled her eyes, "He doesn't need to eat anymore than he already does.." I smiled, "Alright." Leaving the kitchen, I went to get ready. I decided to just pull on some sweats and a white shirt, and call it a day. 

Grabbing my keys, I exited my room, walking past Mom and Brandon. 

"Don't you walk out that door just yet, King." 

Stopping in my tracks, I turned to Mom, who pulled me into a hug. "I worry about you, my little baby.." I groaned, "Momma, please..don't do that." I could tell that she was going to go off on one of her tangents again, where she kissed my forehead over and over again, hugging me. Normally, I wouldn't mind, but I've been wanting to get this show on the road ever since Dad got shot, and she was just slowing me down. "You don't want to say bye to your mother? Remember how much you cried for me the first day of kindergarten?"

I huffed and rolled my eyes, and she continued, "You attached yourself to my leg and wouldn't let go, no matter what. I said that I was coming back, but no, you wanted to stay with me." Mom simply wouldn't let that one go. I admit, I was being a cry-baby, and I ended up not going to school that day because Mom couldn't get me off of her leg. "Okay, Mom, I'm sorry," I mumbled, and she smiled at me. 

delirium (sequel to apathy)Where stories live. Discover now