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Once all of the rope was gone, he simply stood there, staring at me.

I sighed, rubbing my wrists and rotating to regain the circulation in my hands. I could feel his eyes on me as I did so, and I was beginning to think this nigga had a staring problem. I had half a mind to beat his ass just as a precaution, even though he told me his was going to "help me". I had no clue who he was, and shit, he could be working for Marten. But something told me that he wasn't someone I should worry about, in fact, he could possibly help me. But everyone has a reason for a doing what they do..

"I wasn't supposed to do that, for you," he told me. I looked up at him, watching him tuck his hands in his hoodie pocket. I raised my eyebrows, and he rubbed his face, stepping back from me as I rose from the chair. I looked over myself, sighing at the blood droplets on my shirt. "Maurice was planning to nearly beat your ass to death," he said, "but since you're loose, they won't be expecting for you to head out there, guns blazing."

I looked at him like he was crazy, but I didn't say anything about it. He walked over into the darkness, coming back with a cart that looked like it had everything that I was carrying on it. I picked up my phone, and he took it from me, throwing it on the ground like he lost his fucking mind. I didn't even know what to do, I simply looked at him, and he sighed, picking up what looked like a chip from the remnants, that was once my phone.

"Tracking device," he placed the chip in my hand, and I looked at it, then back at him. "Maurice likes to keep track of his little "minions"," he told me, "if you want to succeed, I suggest you'd check your shit." I nodded, dropping the chip on the ground and crushing it.

"What's your name?" I asked him, raising my eyebrows.

If he was going to be "helping" me, I'd prefer to have at least some knowledge of who the hell he was.

"Avery," he answered.

I nodded, "Amir, but you already knew that."

He nodded in return, and I looked around, shifting my weight on my legs. It seemed pretty awkward to just be standing here, waiting for something to happen.

"So..what's the move?"

I didn't expect for this to be the move though.

Taking cover behind a table, bullets flew from all directions, one going right above my head. This was some crazy ass shit, for real. I looked over at Avery, who was crouched down on a table near the door. He told me that he had a car outside for me, and that I was supposed to follow behind him to get out safely. This was some bullshit. I had been beaten into a pulp outside by three men, tied up to a chair, and now I was dodging bullets from Maurice's little bitches.

Maurice was going to hear about this.

What kind of initiation is this?

I was just trying to get inducted, not murdered in cold blood.

"Follow me," Avery yelled.

Peeking over the table, I fired a few rounds from my gun, hitting one man dead in the chest. I grimaced, watching him as he fell backwards all in a matter of seconds. A bullet past by my ear, and I dove to the right, following behind Avery. He was wearing some type of mask that covered his face, so I assumed that he wouldn't be seen and hunted down like some type of wild animal.

Avery and I rushed into another part of the abandoned building, but were soon surrounded, by several men with knives. Avery and I began to fight them off, avoiding their jabs and slashes with their knives. Their numbers were narrowing down, most of them knocked unconscious. Avery had a weapon now, taking one of the knives from a man. I crouched down behind an old machine, reloading. An arm was suddenly wrapped around my neck, beginning to choke me. I managed to get out his hold, punching the man in the face. He attempted to stab me, but I managed to evade his jabs. I got his knife out of his hand, and stabbed him in the stomach, letting him fall to the ground.

I turned around, but another one of them came out of nowhere, putting me in the same choke hold the previous man did. This one was stronger, and it took some effort to gain the upper hand. I attempted to avoid his jabs with his knife as best as I could, but I wasn't quick enough, and the knife plunged into my arm. I hissed in pain, pulling the weapon from my arm.

The knife was coated with my blood, and I used to it to stab the man in the chest.

All of the commotion stopped, and I dropped to my knees, examining my arm. He had stabbed me directly in the shoulder, and once all of my adrenaline faded away, it hurt like hell.

"You okay man?"

Looking up Avery, I nodded, pulling myself up. I pulled my knife from the man's chest, sighing. I was hoping that I was going to get out of here without any battle scars, but I was totally wrong. I had already killed about three or four men, and now I had a gaping wound in my shoulder.

Avery and I continued to move, without anymore disturbances. I was finally allowed to take a breather when we reached outside. Just like Avery had said, there was a car waiting for me. We turned to each other, Avery pulling his mask off. He handed the car keys over to me, with a smile. "Thanks for your help," I told him, to which he responded with a nod.

"This won't be the last time you see me, Amir."

For some odd reason, that sent a chill down my spine. Staring at Avery intently, I realized that he slightly resembled someone who I know that I've seen before..I just couldn't quite put my finger on it. I knew for sure that something was different about him, but once again, I couldn't pinpoint what exactly was up with him. Hopefully I would find out soon enough, I knew damn well not to trust people who just pop up out of the blue, like that. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that I needed to get more information on him, just as a precaution.

I went ahead and got in the car, managing to buckle myself in. Good thing I knew where the hell I was going, or this would've been useless. I looked out of my rear view mirror, taking one last look at Avery as I pulled out onto the road.

Soon enough I arrived home, and I couldn't wait to get inside.

I opened the front door, walking right into an argument, between everyone.


an: what do you think of avery? photo of him provided.

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