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Twisting the gold link chain between my fingers, I sighed, remembering the tearful departure between Mom and I.

I wasn't going to lie, the situation did make me feel sad. I was leaving my mother - my pregnant mother, at that. I can still smell her gentle, lavender scent, while I hugged her like I was never going to see her again, like she was going to vanish into thin air. I didn't want to pull away from the hug, and leave her. I was afraid of what could happen, while I wasn't there. I remember her rubbing my back, and kissing the top of head. Then she slipped Dad's chain around my neck, telling me that she loved me.

There were tears in her eyes, and halfheartedly, I left her, getting on the plane. 

Looking down at Dad's chain, I sighed once more. 

Ever since I was a kid, I wanted this chain. It caught my attention, and I remember Dad telling me that it belonged to his brother, Santiago. Dad didn't speak much about him, and Mom told me why. Santiago had died, and Dad had to do it. So when he died, Dad had taken it to remember him by, and decided that one day, he would give it to me. Mom said that I deserved it, and that it could be my good luck charm. I was hoping that it would be. 

Everything around me was changing, and changing fast.

I couldn't be that young, reckless Amir, getting kicked out of class, written up, shit like that. I had to be mature, especially with the situation I was in now. Dad was still in his coma, and it's been the worst three months of my life. Mom's pregnant, and Dad isn't here to take care of her, and on top of that, we still have no fucking clue who shot him. 

"You excited to be going to Spain?" 

My eyes locked on Ramiro's, who was standing in front of me. He was leaning up against the wall, looking at me with a smile on his face. I shrugged. I wasn't really feeling it. Since Grandpa didn't want to rent a hotel or house, we were going to be staying at Santiago's old home, where we'd do business there. Before we had left, Mom had given me the key that Dad had, and she said that the key should still work. 

It was weird, I was basically where Dad was living, when he was a teenager. It intrigued me how he had lived with Santiago, instead of his parents. He didn't talk about his parents, hell, Mom said that they didn't even show up for the wedding. Plus, I was going to see where Mom stayed while she was there. It all just felt so unreal to me. Who knows what I might find there? 

"Well, from what your mother said, it's not that bad. She sure liked it, liked it enough to get pregnant with you over there," he smirked. I rolled my eyes, and Ramiro handed me the gun, the one Brandon gave me. 

"I know that you were feeling iffy 'bout that, so I had Dad look it over for you. Nothing out of the ordinary, so you good. No need to worry." 

I released a deep breath, nodding. Out of the corner of my eye, I was starting to see the sunrise. The sun turned the sky into something almost out of a painting. Shades of purple, red, and orange streaked across the sky, but were soon reduced into a bright blue color when the sun fully rose to it's high position in the sky. Maybe since I was so consumed with my thoughts, the plane ride when faster than I had expected. 

The plane landed, and I stood up, fixing my clothes. My ass felt numb from sitting in one spot for a while, but it soon went away when I walked it off. Stepping out into the hot, Barcelona air, I realized that it was exactly how Mom had described it. Mom had the descriptions down pat, the buildings having that old, vintage feel, just like she had said. I followed behind Grandpa and Ramiro to an all black car, all of us getting in.

"Our stuff should already be at the house," he said, starting up the car and pulling out onto the road. It was impossible to keep my eyes off the window, everything outside interesting, and catching my attention. People crowded the streets, walking in and out of small shops, buying things at vendors. I had barely noticed that we had pulled up to the house, almost everything catching my attention.

delirium (sequel to apathy)Where stories live. Discover now