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Numbness swirled throughout my body like the waves upon a calm sea. Back and forth the feelings traveled along my skin, invisible urchin spikes poking at my fingertips. I tried to flex them to get rid of the feeling, but found that I was unable to move my hands at all. 

Well, this can't be a good thing. 

Searching through my thoughts, I remembered heading back toward where the human doctor was from. The beach to the east, yet I don't remember actually getting there. 

It got really dark one night and the seas got rough suddenly. Then I was pulled under, and after that it's all a blur. 

I was beginning to realize that I'd gotten caught in a terrible storm when something hard suddenly slammed into the side of my face, making me hiss loudly in response. The numb ache in my body began to dissipate almost immediately, but the tingling in my fingers got worse before it began to drift away, too.  

"Dammit Mellac, that's not how you're supposed to wake someone up who has a concussion!" Someone shouted far too loudly to my left. 

There was a grunt and the sound of someone moving, then replying. "What's another if it wakes him up?" 

With my head aching terribly, I did my best to force my eyes open. It was dim where I was, but I knew right away that it wasn't a cave or even outside. There was no water, either, which was unnerving. 

"Fri? It's Oliver. I helped you out before when you weren't feeling well. Can you hear me?"  

I wanted to let him know that I could, for the most part, but I couldn't quite get my mouth to move. My lips parted a small amount, but there was no way I'd be able to speak with such a slight action. 

"His breathing is beginning to even out." The man mumbled before I felt something cold touch my chest. "Heartbeat is getting better, too, but he's still too pale." 

Another pressure touched my wrist, then I felt an abrupt pain like the sting of an urchin. "Sorry, Fri. I saw you flinch a little, but I need to get some fluids into you."

He messed with my wrist for another moment before setting it back down on the soft surface I was lying on. "That should help, hopefully. If he doesn't come around soon, we might have to take him to the lab for some real tests. He should have recovered with the stuff I gave him before, but he clearly hasn't much." 

A shirt time later I felt a soft touch against my face that urged me to press my cheek against the hand. It took a lot of effort and focus, but I did manage after a moment. 

"Ah, there we are. You should be feeling at least a little bit better as the fluids spread through your system. You scared us." 

Mellac's voice echoed in the background. "I honestly don't care about him." 

A chorus of "We know" sounded right after his words, but I didn't mind. The other mer had no reason to care about me. I felt a soft warmth settle over me a moment later, then the faint touch of someone's hand in my hair. 

"Get some more rest. I'll be here in case you need me." Oliver said as he removed his hand. 

I could hear him messing with one of those human computers as I dozed in and out of consciousness for what seemed like quite a while before my eyes finally allowed me to open them. 

"Ah, there you are." Oliver said. 

I could see him moving, possibly setting aside his computer or whatever was on his lap, but my vision was still blurry with sleep. When he reached for my face, I let out a quiet warning growl. I did trust him, but I couldn't see that great yet and I wasn't feeling well, either. 

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