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(Unedited, sorry. Super bad lightning storm so gonna turn off computer) 


I knew that he had to be here when Fri came ducking back through the door looking very pale. We had all heard his song, too, but Fri's actions made us sure. It was a relief that he was freed from the dry prison finally, but it was also going to be hard on Oliver to be able to see him but not take him out of his this place. 

"Are you alright, Fri?" I asked as I stepped closer. 

He jumped a little, looked up at me, then looked down. "I don't believe I have made a friend today." He mumbled, messing with his hands nervously. 

I offered him a smile. "It's alright. That is Ocar. He made a mistake a while ago and unfortunately, now the humans want him to pay for it. How his current situation came to be was unfair, but there is little we can do. Oliver has been trying his best to free him of the human prison, especially because of how dry it is. I am thankful, that they finally saw reason for that, at least." 

"They tried to keep him in a dry place?" Fri asked, not seeming to understand how that could even be possible for a mer. 

I nodded. "Yes. Human prison is not very helpful to us. A shower once a day is sometimes okay, but we need soaked often to stay healthy." 

He nodded then, seeming to understand what I was talking about. When I didn't reply any further, he turned his attention to Hice. The other mer seemed to notice he had eyes on him, because he turned away from the conversation he was having with Mellac and walked right over to pull Fri against his chest. It wasn't really a hug, but sharks weren't know for being friendly. Even to each other. 

We waited another few minutes before Oliver limped back through the door. His hair was messy but there was a new expression on his face that I had not seen in quite a long time. Hope. He got back to testing the samples he had taken from Fri with a slight smile on his face. 

The results, when he finally did finish what he could do on his own, weren't promising. There were no clear signs for what was causing Fri to still feel bad. Oliver said that the toxins he had been given before were all gone. 

I don't understand it. There must be something else there. 

Of course, I didn't understand many things involving humans and even mers. I always thought that our bodies would heal themselves as needed, but I did know that sometimes, that didn't work. It was sad to think about it, but Fri may have one of those things that can't be fixed. I wasn't going to voice those words, though. There was enough sadness among my friends with Ocar's situation, no need to add to that. Especially if I cannot be certain. 

"Hey Callem, what's on your mind?" Parker asked as he stepped into my chest. I gladly wrapped my arms around him and hugged him close, stealing a few licks on his cheek before offering a smile. 

"Just worried. I hope that everything will end well and wish that I could help more."

He nodded against my chest. "I know how you feel, but Oliver is the best when it comes to figuring out what's going on with anything aquatic. I'm great at field research and visual cues, but he's the best with the microscopic stuff." 

I nodded, then looked up as Hice ducked away from Fri and headed for the door. He seemed to be in a hurry, but when I turned my attention back to Fri, the mer looked upset. "Why did he leave?" I mumbled, not directing the question to anyone, really. 

"Fri, is Hice okay?" Parker asked, drawing the mer's attention to us. 

He looked down and shrugged, blinking quickly. "I don't know. He won't talk to me about it but he keeps leaving and never lets me come with him." 

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