A Little Help

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(Racket: I think I broke Snowman, oops.)


The next day I decided to walk to the hospital alone. I thought that it wouldn't be too bad, but even after driving places with Parker for so long, I still didn't understand distance very well. I left in the early morning, before the sun was barely visible, but didn't arrive until it was well overhead. 

My mistake. Perhaps he will pick me up later. 

Not that I minded walking back, really, but I might not get back before he did and I wouldn't want him to worry when I wasn't there to greet him. I always greeted him when he got home from work, even the days I decided to go swim in the ocean. Missing seeing his smile when he walked through the door and saw me wasn't something I wanted to ever happen. 

Stepping inside the too-cold building, my nose wrinkled at the strong smells and I quickly headed for the elevator. It seemed that everyone who worked in the building on the floors I traveled knew me already, because, while they stopped most of the humans coming through the doors, not a single one even motioned toward me as I moved. They could have been afraid of me, too, but I did try my best not to be mean. 

Stepping into the elevator, I pressed the button to close the doors, then leaned back against the wall with a tired sigh. I had been up most of my evenings after Parker had fallen asleep thinking about what Ocar had said about Micah. I didn't want to believe that he deserved the torture he was surely getting under Hice, but I didn't know the man at all. He could very well be as evil as Ocar said. 

Or there could be something else. 

As the floors passed, I began to hear something over the quiet music playing in the elevator. By the time I got to Fri's floor, I knew that it was Hice. If he was singing again on the roof, which only made sense, then Micah must be here.

Worry twisted my stomach as I stepped off the elevator and went to Fri's room. I was just stepping into the room when someone walked over. He appeared to be a doctor, judging by the blue clothing he was wearing and the mask pushed up above his eyes. 

"Hello." I said, unsure what he wanted with me. 

The man gave me a tired smile and reached over to slide the door to the room shut, then turned to face me. "Hello, my name is Dr. Hugh. You must be one of his friends? I believe your name is Callem?" He asked, making me only slightly surprised. Everyone seemed to pay attention mers when we went out. 

"Yes, that's me." I said, darting a glance sideways to Fri's room before returning my attention to him. "Can I help you with something?" 

I didn't think I could. Mainly, because he was a doctor and I knew nothing about bodies besides how good it felt to be inside of Parker's. My face immediately went red at the thought, drawing an odd look from the doctor before he cleared his throat and spoke. "I just wanted to ask if you knew the doctor who has been treating your friend, Micah?" 


"Yes, I know him." 

It wasn't a lie. I did technically know him. Just not well, or really, at all. Except for what other people have told me and the few times I'd been around him. 

"Thank god. Please, try to get through to him. He's been working nonstop,  and I'm extremely worried that he's going to get very sick, very soon, if he doesn't stop and take a break." 

He's overworking himself? 

It didn't take me more than a moment to realize why Micah was going nonstop. 

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