Turning the Corner

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(Time to try and start pulling things together :3)


I wish I could have told him not to come, but staying at the house was likely far less safe and he wouldn't have listened anyways. 

Still, staring down at Parker, I felt my heart shiver with an anticipation I didn't want to occur. Why could humans not just leave us alone? 

"The tracking device is showing that they're getting close." Oliver said as he slowed his truck to a stop a short distance away from the Cal-Waves building and unhooked his cell phone from the holder above the steering wheel. 

Seeing the building again didn't bring back any kind of positive memories, but I knew that we had to go back inside if we wanted to get rid of the director once and for all. 

"About time." Kipper said as he hopped out of the small back area and climbed out of the passenger's side window before I could grab him. 

I'd told him to stay in the truck a thousand times before we left the house, yet he was already walking toward the building. 

Wait. Does he have a gun in his hand? How? He's only wearing shorts! He couldn't have hidden that so easily! 

I jumped out of the truck to try and catch up with him, only to be jerked back by my shoulder. Without thinking, I whirled around, baring my teeth until I realized that it was my brother who had grabbed me. 

"Let him go. He knows how to use it, and wouldn't you want your son to have the best chance he can to get out of this alive? That gun is going to help him, not hurt him." 

You tied Jayson up in a closet at work so he wouldn't be able to come, yet you're wanting my son to run in with a gun?

Not to mention seeing all of those horrible news programs about kids killing each other by mistake with weapons didn't make me feel any better, but I knew that now wasn't the time to think about humans. My son was extremely young in human years, but he knew a lot more than any human children I've ever met. 

I'd rather he have it in case he needs it, then not have it and get hurt because of it. 

Still, it was hard to not take it from him as we all hurried to catch up to him with his short but quick steps. We ducked around to the side of the building as Parker's phone chimed with a text message from Micah, who was left at Oliver's house with Fri and a rather large array of weapons. The tone was set differently for him so that Parker knew exactly who was messaging him. 

Pushing our backs against the wall, he pulled out his phone and silenced it as he read the message. 

"He said to beware of this guy." Parker whispered as he held the phone up for my brother and I to look at. Oliver hadn't joined us and was waiting in the truck in case we needed a fast get away, since his handicap wasn't going to be any kind of help. 

"Looks like one of those doctors I saw at the hospital when I was visiting Fri." I said as he tucked the phone back into his pocket and we continued our way around the outside of the building. 

There was a faint splash a little ways off in the distance, drawing our attention to it right as a dark fin slipped through the surface, then disappeared back beneath the choppy waves. 

"I think they found the entrance Hice was talking about before." I said as I looked around quickly, then darted for the water. 

I heard the others following, and grinned when Kipper sprinted ahead of me and jumped into the ocean. I waited right on the edge of a rock jutting over the water for Parker, then took his hand as we jumped in together. 

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