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(Ocar refused to take this chapter so Hice got shoved into the POV. Yes, he's pissed about it.)


It wasn't hard to figure out that something was going to happen. Specifically what, I couldn't be sure, but it was obvious that someone was creeping around the outside of the house over the past week. I would have been shocked if it wasn't one of the director's people, but they never came close enough for me to figure out the specifics. 

"You're worrying again." Fri whispered from where he was held tightly in my arms on the sofa. 

I ignored him at first, but couldn't help looking down at his own large worried eyes after only a few moments. "You cannot help." I said, not wanting to lie and tell him that there was nothing to worry about. He was still weak, though getting better, but either way, he would not be useful if something dangerous did happen. 

Huffing, Fri squirmed in my arms until I reluctantly let him stand. He'd been doing better, but I still didn't trust him to do much on his own. In fact, before he got halfway to the kitchen I was on my own two feet, following after him. 

I stepped in front of him as he reached for the fridge, then nudged him over to stand near the counter. "Hold onto it." I told him as I took out some fish for him. 

"Not unless you eat, too." He said, reminding me that I hadn't since yesterday. Food just didn't sit well with me the past few days, but I knew that he wouldn't listen unless I agreed. That was the one thing he had over me; himself. 

Growling, I pulled out a small piece of salmon and added it to the ones I'd already set out on a plate. I set the plate in the microwave for thirty seconds, since the fish wasn't frozen, then turned to lean against the counter where he was. The humans had all gone to work besides Oliver, who was asleep in the room Micah was using, so when I heard a faint noise from outside, but no one ended up coming inside, I gestured for Fri to get down to the floor. Ocar was still likely inside, as well as Kipper, too, but I didn't want them in the way. Ocar was better off guarding his human and Kipper was useless in general...  unless the little bastard had a gun. 

"Someone's here again." I stated as I walked to the entrance to the kitchen. 

From there, I looked out toward the pool area. Unsurprisingly, I saw a human pressed up against the wall. Props for getting inside the screen without me hearing you. Unfortunately for you, you're going to die now.

Stalking toward the glass, I yanked the door to the side, snapping the lock with ease. The man jumped, not expecting me, I'd guess. I knew that it was hard to see through the glass during the morning with the glare from the sun, and had gladly used it to my advantage. 

Of course, he had easily seen and heard me breaking the door, but I was fast enough in getting to him and snatching the gun from his hand for that to matter. "Morning." I greeted with a raised eyebrow. 

The man's face went completely white and I smirked, recognizing him as one of the director's personal guards and hit men. "He's got you going after fish now, Frank? What a blow to your self esteem this must be." 

When he didn't respond, I narrowed my eyes and began lifting the gun to his head. Too bad he wasn't very good at his job. "Thanks." I noted as I saw his eyes flinch to the right, looking at something behind my shoulder. 

Without a second thought, I grabbed him by the throat and yanked his body around right before the sound of a gunshot rang out. His body jerked, then went limp, making me whistle with appreciation. 

"Nice shot." I noted as I jerked the gun in my free hand up, then shot the other man who had fired from beyond the pool screen on the opposite side of the patio. 

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