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(Totally didn't upload this on the wrong story >.>)


Waking up wasn't something I thought would be possible for me. Granted, I'd been conscious off and on for what felt like days, but I could never find enough energy to make that final push beyond the firm barrier in place before my mind.

I had a feeling that the medications I was being given by the humans were at least partly to blame, as I had never experienced such a force before when trying to awaken. For some reason, the barrier was beginning to thin as I pushed against it. I didn't expect to be allowed through so easily, but after only a few moments the wall vanished, drawing a gasp from me as I startled awake.

"Ah, there you are. Finally." A familiar voice chided to my right.

I remembered it as being connected to one of the doctors that had come and go over the time I'd been asleep, but I couldn't place a name to the blurry face my eyes tried to focus on and an unsettling feeling began to swim in my belly.

"Micah sure had you on some strong stuff. No wonder you took so long to wake up, even with such a heavy cocktail of drugs."

Unsure of what he meant exactly, I didn't bother trying to respond. Instead, I blinked repeatedly, trying to clear my vision as I did my best to get my limbs to respond. I didn't feel very well, but that wasn't a surprise.

"Now then..."

My lips curved into a frown as my vision finally began to clear. I thought that his voice was just familiar because he was one of the doctors at the hospital, but when his face formed before my eyes, I caught my breath. One of the metal machines near my bed made a strange sound, drawing a chuckle from the man as he turned back to me.

The director... how is he here?

I had only seen him a few separate times back at the lab, but I rarely forgot a face. He didn't look quite the same, but I would never forget the sight of his icy eyes.

"Good, you remember me. Now, get up, we're leaving." He stated as he stabbed my arm, pushing something into my skin before pulling back and throwing the item he'd used somewhere behind him on the floor.

I was used to not disobeying him, as the consequences were normally severe, but I was hesitant to leave with him. "I am sick, I cannot leave." I slurred, hoping that I was understandable. I truly did not know what was wrong with me, but I did know that humans went to the place I was to get better. I wanted to get better.

"Sick? You are dead, you just haven't stopped breathing yet."

What? But then... why does he want me to come with him?

Fearing for my life would have likely been more logical a thought right after the information he had given me, but I did never think quite like other mers or humans I had met. I've known that I had not been well for a long time, and if my life were to end because of it, well, that was the way it would be, even though I did not want to die.

A faint sound met my ears as the man began speaking again, but I couldn't focus. Hice. My eyes rose to the ceiling and I had to fight not to close them and begin to sing back. The director did not like singing, not one bit.

"Get out of that bed, right now!"

The man's shout had my head jerking back down so that our eyes met. He was clearly furious, but I could also see stress and worry on his face, too. Is he not allowed to remove me from here on his own? Do I have to walk out? The thought to be difficult surfaced, but I knew that he would hurt me if I tried to resist.

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