Why Won't You Tell

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(Sorry I've been super busy and still am. Trying to find a new place to live x.x Small update, but yay, update? Unedited) 


We were all quick to follow Parker inside when we arrived back at his home. He got the computer set up in a few moments while I hurried to take a fast soak in the pool. My skin wasn't used to being dry while stressed for long periods of time. And if it's one thing that Hice causes, it' stress. 

By the time I climbed out of the pool, dried off a little, then pulled my borrowed shorts back on, everyone was sitting at the dining table around the computer. I took the open chair beside Parker that seemed to have been left for me, as everyone else was standing, then peered at the small dots flashing on the screen. The one that was further ahead, that Oliver had told us was Hice, wasn't moving very quickly compared to Mellac and Callem's. 

"Alright, so, Hice has definitely stopped at the laboratory." Oliver said, drawing my attention to him where he said beside Parker. 

"But he is moving." I stated, knowing that it was clearly what was going on if you looked at the screen. 

"Nah, that's just geographical lag from the satellites." He replied, making my head hurt. 

He seemed to be able to tell that he'd made a mistake with his words after a moment, because he looked over at me with an apologetic expression on his face. "My mistake. It means that what tracks him has trouble sometimes, so it looks like he's moving when he's really not. You can tell because it will do it for a moment, then stop, then do it again." 

 I returned my attention to the screen, and sure enough, what he was saying happened. I still didn't understand how it really worked, but if Hice was staying still, than he was staying still. 

"Okay. Those other two that are getting close to him are Callem and Mellac?" I asked, wanting to be sure that I wasn't confused. 

Oliver offered a small smile and nodded as he turned his attention back to the screen. "They're just about to him. I really wish we would have thought to put microphone collars on them. Not being able to hear what's going on is a handicap." 

I wasn't aware that humans could put those on each other. I knew about their phones and things, but not of ones that could work underwater. Figuring that it didn't matter now, since we couldn't do it anymore with them already gone, I leaned forward a bit and focused on the dots. 

It didn't take long for Callem and Mellac's to catch up, then do that weird drift thing that Oliver was talking about. 

"They're all there." He added, as he, too, leaned forward with narrowed eyes. 

The dots drifted for a short time around the facility, then Hice's began slowly making its way back toward where we were. Callem's followed soon after, but Mellac's stayed behind for at least ten minutes more before following after the other two. I wasn't quite sure why, but I still felt like something was off. They seemed to be swimming the same speed as they had coming out. Except for Mellac, who was going a bit faster, no doubt to catch up to his brother. 

"I'm going to go pick them up." Parker said all of a sudden. 

He stood up from the table and I quickly jumped up, too. "I want to come, please." 

Without hesitation, Parker nodded and waved his hand for me to follow him. 

"I'm going to hang here, Park. I'll give you a call if there are any issues but it looks like they're coming back over by the research dock, judging by their trajectory." Oliver said as he leaned back in his chair, eyes still studying the dots on the screen intently. 

Maybe he thinks something is odd, too. 

I knew that sitting around wouldn't help, so I hurried after Parker. His truck wasn't something I was too thrilled to be in again, and my stomach agreed, but I managed the short drive down to the shoreline with just a bit of dizziness. Hice was the first mer out of the water. He trudged from the surf, clearly frustrated, but I didn't care about his temper. I ran through the shifting sand and stumbled into his chest. 

His arms came around me to keep me from falling on my face, or more likely, bringing him down with me. "What are you doing here? You should be resting, Fri." He stated, his tone frustrated but still somehow gentle. 

"I'm sorry, I was worried." I said as I hugged him, nuzzling my nose against his damp chest. 

He did have a point, however. I wasn't feeling very well all of a sudden. It was likely from the drive down to the shore, but I couldn't shake the dizziness that had started after I'd gotten in the truck. 

"Fri?" Hice said, reaching up to press a palm to my cheek. 

I couldn't seem to focus enough to respond as he lifted my chin so that he could look in my eyes. He turned my head from side to side a moment later, making the dizziness blur my vision and churn my stomach. 

"Dammit." He hissed, though even that one word seemed hazy. 

My body began to feel light, but thankfully I could feel Hice's hand hold tight to me when I lost my balance. He easily lifted me into his arms, then I could feel that he was walking through the sand. 

"He needs help, now." Hice growled, likely to Parker, since I couldn't imagine him speaking with any other human for such a thing. 

My vision cleared long enough for me to realize that Hice was, indeed, making his way to the truck parked just off the sand. Parker walked beside us until we reached it, then turned and waved toward the ocean. I couldn't manage to lift my head to see who he was gesturing too, but I ended up not needing to. 

Callem came into view a minute later, soon followed by a panting Mellac. They both climbed into the front of the Truck with Parker while Hice carefully hopped into the back with me still in his arms. 

"Stay awake, Fri." He stated with a strong glare leveled on me. 

I gave him a tiny smile, but was having trouble keeping my eyes open. It was rare to ever see Hice show any emotion besides annoyance or frustration, but looking up at him right then, I saw a tiny bit of concern in his dark eyes. 

"Just tired, Hice. Don't worry." 

He growled in response, making my smile grow before I yawned and tried to blink my eyes open. "Wait... Hice, you're arm is bleeding." I mumbled, feeling the words slur on my tongue. 

Instead of replying, his eyes widened slightly, then narrowed. "Stay awake, Fri." 

I wanted to fuss over his wound. To help him and also to find out how he got such a cut, and how he'd gotten the few random ones he seemed to always come back with but dismissed as nothing, but my eyes just refused to remain open. Before we even returned to Parker's home, I found myself fast asleep. 

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