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I was ready when they came for me. Three doctors were present, one to play the good guy and the other two held electric poles. I didn't suspect that Parker would bother to use his, but I knew that the other doctor, the one that I'd overheard earlier, would gladly knock me out if I gave him a reason. 

My temper had died down a little once Callem had left, but I was still seething that he would even think to care about such a worthless human. Not worthless. He can help Fri if he really wanted to, or if Hice made him. He was nothing besides a body that knew how to heal and hurt. Once he healed Fri, if he could even do that, I pray that Hice would just kill him. 

"We need to do that exam I told you about earlier. Would you mind coming with us please, Ocar?" Parker said as he offered a small smile. He held his weapon lazily by his side. Clearly, it was off, or he'd be zapping himself as it brushed against his pants. 

I thank you for showing your trust to try and make me feel more relaxed, but I will be dangerous if I'm threatened... and if you get in the way, you will get hurt. 

"I would mind, but the choice doesn't seem to be mine." I replied as I stalked toward them, keeping my eyes on the doctor I trusted the least. When I stopped in front of him, he raised his pole a little and nodded toward the door. 

"You will walk in front." I told him as my eyes narrowed. 

The man gave a haughty laugh. "Yeah, right. So you can attack me?" 

Tilting my head, I smirked and crossed my arms over my chest. "You have two other doctors here that you clearly trust, but I don't trust you the most out of all three of you. I'm not stupid, human. I see the hate in you, and I don't want you anywhere near my back." 

The man was about to open his mouth and respond when the other doctor, whose name I didn't know, either, spoke up. "Just walk in front of him, Bart, we had planned to have one of us lead, anyways. And besides, Parker has an electric pole, too. If he tries anything, we can easily take him down." 

Bart. What a boring name. 

"Yeah, right! That guy goes to bed with one of them every night! Like I would trust him to knock this one out if it came after me." 

Logical worry. I bet he doesn't even know that Parker doesn't even have his weapon on. I can sense something from Bart's, but nothing is coming from Parker's direction. 

"It's not hard," Parker said with a raised eyebrow. "It's not like these can kill him, so yeah, I can and will knock him out if he tries to hurt anyone." 

The determination I saw behind Parker's narrowed eyes was quite entertaining. I thought he was always a happy, yet foolish guy. It seems that I was mistaken. Somewhat. 

"Fine, but if I hear a single thing, he's getting it." Bart growled as he stomped in front of me. I bit back a laugh, because I had a feeling that it would set him off and I didn't feel like being shocked just yet. 

We walked for a short time before I was brought into a small but bright room. There was a steel table set up in the middle with a few small tanks along the wall with random fish inside. Little notes were fastened to most of the tanks. Callem was standing in the corner, his arms folded over his chest and a surprisingly serious look on his face.

"Up on the table." Bart said as Parker slipped off to the side to get a few things situated. I didn't like the look of the needles he was dealing with, but I figured that this wouldn't be all that fun from the beginning. 

I did as I was told, even though the table was uncomfortably cold on my backside. Bart told me to lie down so that they could start taking some samples to test, for my health, of course. "No thanks. Surely you're skilled enough to take them from someone sitting up. You are a fish doctor, are you not? I doubt any of your other patients even have the ability to be as manageable as me." 

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