Chapter 15

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"Charlie? Daddy Dearest!?" I called as I walked into the kitchen. Charlie was in the fridge reaching for a beer and froze when he heard my tone of voice. It was the same tone of voice when I know I may not get what I want, but decided to ask nonetheless.

"Yes?" His voice was heavy with suspicion.

"So," I drawled out, "I've been thinking. There's a trip some kids from school are going on as a celebration for the end of the year and I wanna go."

Paul had been nagging me to get our plan rolling. It was too hard to bring up without the perfect story to sell it. But I finally had a plan.

Charlie rose his eyebrows in surprise, "Really? But you've really only been back for a few months, you want to go away now?"

I shake my head, "No, I really don't wanna go away, but I wanna live my life to the fullest ya know?" I know that this was an evil card to play just so I could live over at my werewolf boyfriends house. But this whole situation with this Victoria and intruder just pushed things over the edge with my new family. Me being in the house just might keep Charlie from all of the wreckage that was imminent.

Plus, I wasn't gonna live the rest of my time wondering when I'm gonna see Paul next. It just wasn't going to happen. Selfishness must run in my blood, with both me and my sister. I wish that I could put Charlie first and make sure that I'm here with him for as long as I can. But my eyes had tunnel vision for Paul and that companionship that I've been yearning for, for years. Ever since I was a little girl. If Charlie really knew the extent of my feelings for him, wouldn't he want me to do what made me happy?

Probably. But he won't understand all of this werewolf nonsense, and that revelation would lead right into the truth about vampires and that wasn't allowed. Neither me nor Bella were stupid enough to endanger Charlie like that.

Charlie cleared his throat, "Umm, how long?"

"A week maybe two? All of my time afterwards will be yours," I promised. "I have some money set aside for my share," I bargained. The little I had was for my college fund that was never going to be used. About three or four thousand dollars from little jobs that I saved here and there.

Charlie sighed, and wrapped me up in his arms. I allowed myself to be pulled in and grinned leaning into the touch. I loved Charlie's hugs, they were the best hugs on the planet. Full of fatherly love that he could never express aloud. His whiskers bristled against the pale skin of my forehead. I buried my nose into his shirt and breathed in the scent of firewood and gun powder.

"I love you Els," he whispers, "You know that right? I always have and I always will."

A small tear squeezed from my eye, "I know Daddy, I love you too. It's just a school trip."

Charlie sighed deeply then let it out in a gust, "Okay, I'll check in on you from time to time okay? I'll just be a call away. I promise."

I nodded, "Of course,"

He pursed his lips, "Bella's graduation is only a few days away. Can you even get everything together by then?"

A small smirk played on my lips as I realized that the time really was short. I would be with Paul in just a short week! "I can, and soon I'll be graduating! One milestone down, five thousand more to go!"

Charlie chuckled, "Go call those kids, Bella should be up in her room too."

I nod and run up the stairs. Bella's door was open and I could see her working on some homework. A thought came to me and I paused. Hmm, a full week with Paul? I wonder if Bella had some sisterly advice for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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