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A meeting was called in the throne room by Mary. Her ladies attended wanting to know what was so important. Juliet played with the ring on her finger and only began to listen when the king started to get angry.

"You will marry Francis and accept our nations support as you and your new husband make your claim to England."

"No." Mary quickly said back to the king's command. Juliet grew confused, she thought Mary loved Francis and wanted to be with him. "I will stake my claim on England and I will marry your son. But not Francis. Bash. Legitimize him and make him the next king of France."

The crowd grew quiet and the ladies' head snapped towards Juliet.

"Did you know about this?" Kenna asked.

"No." Juliet answered, trying to stop the tears from falling.


"Juliet!" Mary called after her lady as Juliet stormed down the hallway to her room. "Juliet, please. I'm sorry."

Juliet stopped and quickly turned around to face Mary. "Sorry? That's all you have to say? Do you even care that I am upset?"

"Yes, of course I do."

"Then why? Why do it?"

"I had to."

Juliet realized that Bash had walked out from around the corner. He noticed the look on her face and the tears in her eyes that broke his heart. He wanted to talk to her, to explain that this wasn't his plan. Seems he was to late. "You ruined everyone's happiness. Everyone's lives. You ruined Francis by telling him he couldn't be with you. You ruined Kenna by making sure she couldn't be with the king. You ruined me by taking away everything that I had. You're the only one who gets the happy ending here and the rest of us are suppose to suffer."

"I never meant to hurt you."

"I've lost everyone. My mother, my father. But throughout it all, I had you. You were my best friend, my sister."


"I thought I had both of you." Bash looked away from Juliet's gaze. "I guess I was wrong." Juliet turned around again and stormed into her room. Making sure to slam the door shut as a message. Juliet slowly sat down with her back against the door and allowed the rest of the tears she had been holding in to fall.

Hey guys. These chapters just keep getting more and more depressing. I hope you guys enjoyed. Thanks for reading.

Love ya😘

P.S. Just so you know. Mary never left with Bash like in the show. She did know about the prophesy but she just decided to marry Bash instead of running away. Just in case you guys were confused.

Bastards in Love**Sebastian de Poitiers (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora