Leaving and Returning

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Juliet quickly rose from her bed when she heard the door open and close. It was the middle of the night, but Juliet refused to sleep until Bash returned. Her worries disappeared when her husband entered the room.

"I was about to sent the servants to look for you. Where have you been?" Juliet asked, covering herself with the blanket a bit more.

"Looking into Julien's background. Among other things."

"Like what?"

"I did learn his activities closer to home. He's planning a hunting trip."

"Lola mentioned it." Juliet nodded, unsure of where this was going.

"With one horse and a carriage to carry some belongings, but no hounds, no falcons. He didn't request hunting gear of any kind." Bash sat down near Juliet's feet, he gently rubbed her legs while he spoke. "You said her dowry came through."

"Yes, its in his possession." Bash sighed and looked at the floor. "You think he's going to leave her?"

"I don't know, but he's leaving the castle tonight and I don't for a minute think he's going hunting."


"A carriage by no hounds for a hunting trip?" Lola questioned Juliet. "Isn't that odd?"

"Bash found his lack of interest in hunting supplies quite odd, yes."

Lola sighed. "He's going to leave me."

Juliet gently grabbed her friend's hand. "If you love Julien, you should talk to him. See if he will share his troubles and pray that they're just financial." The door behind Juliet opened, and she slowly rose to her feet. Her pregnant belly making it harder to stand. "I was just checking in on your beautiful bride."

"Thank you, Juliet."

Juliet nodded to her friend and left the couple alone.


Juliet rushed outside next to her friend Greer and behind her Queen Mary. Their eyes searched the crowd of soldiers returning home, looking for Francis.

"Have you seen Francis yet?" Mary asked them, yet again.

"Not yet." Greer answered.

"It's strange how, after months of waiting, these last moments are he most agonizing."

Mary walked off into the crowd in search of her husband. "What about you?" Juliet asked Greer. "Don't you want to look for Leith?"

"He was conscripted so he wouldn't be punished here. If he survived, he would never return. It's better that he doesn't." The girls turned back to the crowd, who's cheers grew louder when Francis rode in. "Why isn't Bash here to greet his brother?"

"He's out in the Blood Wood again, hunting for the darkness." Juliet sighed. "Why Bash feels it's his duty to end this, I don't know. I just want him to come home to me. To us." Juliet motioned to her stomach. "Take us somewhere where we don't have to be 'the bastard son' and 'the Scottish orphan'. Where we can just be a family."

Hey guys. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed.

Love ya😘

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