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"What's this?" Juliet asked as Bash placed a small ring in the palm of her hand.

"It's a wedding ring. It's modest, I know. It belonged to my grandmother." Juliet stayed silent and studied the ring. "What's wrong? Do you not like it?"

"No, no. It's not that." Juliet quickly stopped him. "It's just.. why?"

"We're married, about to have a child. I thought it would be a good thing to have something that showed everyone you were wed."

Juliet slid on the ring. The red gem on the top, shining from the light coming through the window. "It's beautiful. I love it." Juliet leaned forward and quickly kissed Bash. "Thank you."


Greer, Kenna, and Juliet walked together into the room for Lola's wedding. Kenna watched the men lift the decoration into the air and tie it so it stayed. "They've spared no expense for Lola's wedding."

"Try not to be bitter on Lola's special day." Juliet warned Kenna.

"Kenna, Greer, Juliet, I found you!" Lola exclaimed, a little out of breath, walking over to them. She opened a box that she had been carrying to show the ladies her necklace. "Look at this necklace Julien gave me."

"Well no I am bitter." Kenna spoke. "Those sapphires are the size of grapes."

"It's gorgeous." Juliet complimented.

"But why are you talking to Julien before your wedding?" Greer asked. "And why aren't you dressed? The ceremony's in less than an hour."

Lola took a big breath. "Wish me luck. And happiness."

"With all our hearts." Lola nodded and ran off to go get ready for her wedding. "I think they have a chance."

"She seems so hopeful and excited." Juliet added, happy for her friend.

"You're next." Kenna said to Greer. "Once Castleroy returns from his business."

Greer rubbed up and down her arm awkwardly. "We haven't set a date yet."

"Well, you might as well as its inevitable. Your reputation can't do with a broken engagement."

"Thank you for the reminder."

Juliet grabbed Greer's hand, hoping to calm her down. "Lord Castleroy is a great man with lots of lands and a great title. You'll be happy Greer, and so will your family."

Greer smiled at Juliet and gently squeezed her hand.  "Lady Kenna." Kenna jumped at the King's voice, but she still slowly turned around to face him.

"Your grace." Kenna lightly curtseyed.

"I can see by your dress that you're still trying to impress your king. It's working." The king grabbed the sides of Kenna's face and kissed the side of her mouth. Greer and Juliet looked away, uncomfortable which Kenna would have done too if the King didn't have her face. "Don't hide yourself away, or I'll come find you."

The King looked up at his crown and took if off his head, handing it to one of his servants. "This itches." The King walked away, his servants following quickly behind him.  

Hey guys. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed.

Love ya😘

Bastards in Love**Sebastian de Poitiers (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now