Goodbye Queen Catherine

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Mary and her three ladies gathered together to say goodbye to the Queen. The servants bowed as did Nostradamus. Juliet entered the room and met Mary's eyes before looking back over to the Queen. Mary looked down at her feet. She knew Juliet was still angry with her about what happened.

"Leaving without saying goodbye to your king?" Henry questioned Catherine as he walked in with four guards trailing behind him.

"I was afraid your majesty was too busy preparing false documents to send to the Vatican."

"Too busy thinking of you. Catherine, I've realized something, and I can't let you go. In fact, I can't let you out of my sight. Your reach is long, your connection to wealth endless, and your mastery at poisons ever evolving."

"You're holding me prisoner."

"Guarded day and night, or at least until I'm back from Rome. Imprison her."

The guards went to grab her only for her to slap their hands away. "Whoremonger."

"Devil. Endearments aside, consider this a sign of respect for your intellect and abilities. Take her away."


"Is this really necessary?" Queen Catherine complained as the servants took away her table for writing letters and stool. Lola, Greer, Kenna, and Juliet stood in front of her with brave faces on. Bash and Mary had left moments ago, leaving Catherine in their care.

"The regent ordered you not to pass messages inside the castle." Lola explained to Catherine. "You defied his order."

"I see. So the three of you have come to buck each other up, because I'm so frightening? Or did you all just want the pleasure of seeing me brought so low?"

"I suppose a little bit of each, actually." Kenna commented, keeping her eyes fixed on the ground.

Catherine chuckled as she walked closer to the four girls. "I guess you're a bit starved for entertainment, Kenna, now that the King's rejected you. You're so beautiful, I marvel to think at how grating and tedious you must also be to achieve such a thing."

"Leave her alone." Juliet said, now not so afraid of the Queen.

"Lady Juliet Alton. A heartbroken orphan, who came to France for her Queen and ended up finding love with a bastard. I hope you know dear Juliet, I did have hope for you and Bash. I saw the love between you two from the beginning. But I'm afraid that love will die with me."

"You can stop bullying everyone now." Juliet snapped as she stepped closer to Catherine. "The reason we came here is to tell you we're the only four faces you will be seeing for a while. No more guards, no more servants, or anyone else you can threaten or bribe."

"So you're the strongest one. Are you also the smartest one, Juliet? If so, you'd know you already let down your Queen. You four coming here tells me she's not in the castle. Otherwise, she'd have delivered this message. It also tells me she's probably off helping the bastard and his escaped lover."

Juliet clenched her jaw but quickly composed herself. "And you saying so tell us Mary was right. You've had a hand in every plot against Bash, including the one on his life. And if you've left a scrap of evidence, we'll find it."

Hey guys. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed.

Love ya😘

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