The Boy

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Juliet quickly ran into Nostradamus' work place when one of her servants told her Bash had returned. She was about to scold him for not coming to talk to her but stopped herself when she noticed a little boy sitting with Nostradamus.

"Who's this?" She asked, slightly concerned.

"We found him in the woods." Bash explained. "Alone and covered in blood. He won't say a word about what happened to him."

Nostradamus left the boy's side when he was done and came to theirs. "The blood isn't his. He has no cuts, no bite marks, nothing to match the other victims of the Darkness. What makes you think the child encountered him?"

"He was carrying this;" Bash brought something out of his pocket. "it's a kind of pagan whistle. I've heard it twice before and both times the Darkness was nearby. I think he uses it as a warning to inspire fear."

"Well if it belongs to the Darkness, how did this child get a hold of it?"

Nostradamus and Bash stepped closer to the child. "You must have got close to him."

"Was your family chosen? Were they sacrificed?"

"Can you tell us where you were?"

"Enough!" Juliet stopped Bash and Nostradamus from any more questioning. Juliet rushed to the boy's side and slowly lowered herself onto the bed. "Leave the boy alone. He's been through hell; you don't need to hold him over the coals." Juliet turned to the little boy. "Are you hurt?" The boy didn't answer, so Juliet gently grabbed his hand. "No one will hurt you here. I promise."

The boy placed one of his hands on top of Juliet's and returned the gentle squeeze.


Juliet placed the rag on the table as she finished wiping the blood off of the boy's face. "See, you're not so scary under all that blood. We really should get you a bath and some lovely covers to sleep under. You know when I was a little girl, I had a blanket made of fleece. It was my mother's before she passed. How do you stay warm? Do your parents let you sleep beside them? Where are your parents? They must be worried that you're cold or hurt."

"They're dead."

Bash stepped towards them at hearing the boy's voice but Juliet gave him a look. Bash stopped in his place and just decided to listen. "I'm sorry. But you needn't fear that they're worrying. I'm sure they're looking at you right now and they can see that you're safe. Can you tell me what happened to them?" The boy shook his head 'no'. "Then can you tell me what happened to you? So we can make sure it never happens to anyone else."


"What's Visegard?"

"A bad place in the mountains. He took me there."


"The man with the sharp teeth."

Hey guys. Sorry for the slow updates. I just recently hurt my shoulder pretty bad at cheer. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed.

Love ya😘

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