11. Fooled Me Twice

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Chapter 11

A groan left my lips as I awoke to a pounding in my head and dull pain in my back.

"Billie Jean is not my luvaa" A hoarse voice sung off key with laughter. I lifted my body into a sitting position on the sad excuse of a bed, that I had been put to rest on, and glanced around at my surroundings. My jaw went slack at the sight of the three barred walls that surrounded me. "She's just a hoe, while I was da one." My head slowly turned to the direction the terrible noise came from, only to find a drunk guy on the other side of the bars, to my right. He was leaning against the metal bars for support and laughed to himself. My lip lifted into a sneer as I turned away from him.

"Billie? Billie!" I growled at the mans persistent outburst.

"Shut up" I seethed in response, my voice dripping with venom. The last thing I wanted to deal with was a drunken idiot. He went quiet for a moment, as I presumed my words slowly seeped into his mind and then processed.

"You are a feisty one," He commented with a disturbing smile, "I like that." I cringed and turned away from him, my eyes resting on the concrete wall opposite my holding cell. The guy barked out a drunken laugh, which led to a string of coughs. I scrunched my nose up with disgust and assessed his appearance. He wore a cheap-looking trench coat and dirty, torn jeans. His facial appearance didn't do him any favours either, perhaps it was the lack of care to hygiene and alcohol consumption that contributed to the waste of life in his eyes.

"Billie Jean is ma luvaa, she is a hoe, that I like to--" I sped to the bars and grasped his shirt, pulling his body into the bars. The sound of his head hitting the metal bars echoed into the cells and made me smirk.

"WEST!" A sharp deep voice yelled. My head snapped in the direction it came from and my eyes set on a Forks police officer that stood beside Sam and Paul. Great. "Let him go." Sam didn't seem impressed and Paul looked worried. I wondered just how much trouble Paul got into for keeping my secret from his pack brothers.

"Billie Jean is feisty" The guy mumbled in a sing-song voice.

"Let go of him, West" The police officer repeated with a huff, crossing his arms over his chest uninterested in the petty disagreement.

"Fine" I muttered and pushed him back, watching as he stumbled back and fell onto his butt with a thud.

"Ow, Billie" The man cried, spreading himself out onto the floor miserably.

"Open Cell 21!" The officer yelled. My cell doors creaked open with effort.

"What did I do to get arrested?" I asked, stepping out cautiously and approached the officer.

"You stole from a local supermarket," The officer informed me. "Shoplifting was the first charge and then you ran from the police before you collapsed."


"Sorry for any trouble, officer. I'll take her home now" Sam said, strangely calm for the situation. But as soon as I looked him in the eyes I could see how angry he was and knew I was going to get a lecture and a half when we were alone. Throughout the exchange, Paul remained silent.

"Not a problem, Sam, keep an eye on her though. I don't want to see you back here" The officer directed that comment at me and his hand lifted to shake Sam's hand. Sam nodded in agreement. We left the building and stepped into the cold air, making me shiver from the abrupt change in temperature. Paul stepped closer to me and went to reach out to offer me some of his warmth, but I sped up and slid into Sam's truck.

The trip from Forks Police station to Emily's home was silent. I could tell Paul had wanted to say a hundred things over the course of the trip, but every time he opened his mouth to say something, he closed it again. Sam, on the other hand, knew there was only one thing he was going to say to me and waited until he turned the ignition off to say it.

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