27. I Need Space

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Chapter 27

"Back to training..." I trailed turning my attention back to Carlisle.

"Well...there was one last night and another tonight" Carlisle said, his smooth and tranquil voice adding to my irritated nerves.

"Ah, shit" Ryder muttered quietly with a sigh, instantly feeling my anger gradually spike. I frowned remembering what happened last night with Paul leaving the house at such a late hour and suddenly I connected the dots.

"Was Paul there last night?"

"The entire pack" Rosalie grinned. That's what he was hiding from me. Training had started and, for whatever reason, he thought he could keep this from me so I wouldn't fight with them. I had seen his protective intentions on making this decision, but doing this all without discussing it with me infuriated me madly. The fact that he thought he could keep this from me was almost a joke and the guilt, it must have been from lying.

"When do we start?" I ask.

"Let's go!" Emmett shouted, the sound boomed through the entire house, bouncing off every wall. After I was told that there was a training session tonight Alice gave me some of her training clothes that I could use. I sure wasn't going with what I was wearing before hand and luckily we were a similar size. She seemed too excited for the anger I was feeling and Jasper's strange frown was making me uncomfortable when I rejoined the group.

"Gladly" Rosalie mumbled already amused by the situation. From an initial meeting Rosalie had annoyed me a bit and seemed a bit full of herself. She was also a bit bitter, but regardless no one could deny her beauty. We ran out of the large house and into the forest, dodging trees and bounding over fallen ones. I was slower then the Cullen's, but Alice kept up with my pace.

Before I knew it we stood in a clearing and Ryder and I trailed onto the clearing. Edward arrived shortly afterwards with Bella dismounting from his back and brushing hair from her face. I had rolled my eyes at seeing her and turned my attention to Ryder, who was keeping a close eye on the Cullen's and also my behaviour.

"Keep your cool, Kira" Ryder whispered with a warning tone. I gave him a nod.

"They're here" Edward announced loudly. The wolves emerged from the shadows snarling with a sense of viciousness and my sights fell instantly on one grey wolf. The wolf stopped and dropped his head with a whine, cocking it slightly.

"This'll be amusing" Rosalie muttered with a smirk.

"Kira" Ryder warned whispering in my ear.

"I'm fine!" I snapped back. "Lets just get this over with."

I watched as one by one they practised fighting one another and learned different techniques from Jasper. It was amusing and also educating. I picked up a few things here and there, despite my attention drifting between the Cullen's and Paul. They definitely did not hold back and this was simply practise.

"Kira" Jasper called from the front. "You're up. Let's see what you can do."

"Can I fight Ryder? Only because he is more...immune to my powers and they are a bit...unreliable at the moment" I asked with a forced smile. Jasper nodded, a strange frown still evident on his brows, and walked back to Alice. It seemed as though he was attempting to do something, but was failing and couldn't figure out what why. I shrugged it off.

"Not a problem. I'd rather live another day" He muttered the last part, wrapping an arm around Alice's waist. Ryder walked down to the frown and stood opposite me with a grin.

"This feel familar?" He asked, with a chuckle.

"Vague" I shrugged back, taking my fighting stance with my fists raised.

Bumps In The Road / Paul Lahote Where stories live. Discover now