13. Seeking Redemption

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Chapter 13

My body leaves a harsh thump! to echo off of the cold wooden floors of the large house, but the only sound I could hear was the slow beats of my heart, that was pushing to stay alive. A groan escaped my lips as my body squirmed with discomfort, making blood drip onto the immaculate floor. 

"Kira! Oh my-what happened?" Carlisle knelt by my side and without another question lifted me up from the floor. My body felt like it had been placed in an airplane during take-off, which gave me whiplash, and then I was carefully placed onto a soft bed.

"Vampire...stabbed me..." I erupted into a coughing fit and clutched the wound, hoping that the pressure would relieve the pain that drifted into every vein of my body. Carlisle rushed around his medical room using his heightened speed to collect all the required items to mend the wound. When he returned, he now wore a white lab robe and pulled a trolley beside him as he pressed a button on a portable remote. The bed shifted to give Carlisle the best access to my wound.

"A vampire stabbed you?" His smooth voice questioned, flicking a needle. I felt a pinch in my arm and then black dots danced through my vision.

"Carlise, what happened?" Another gentle deep voice asked, entering the room.

"A vampire stabbed her. I need you to call Sam Uley and inform him that the imprint of Kira has permission to cross over..."


A strong natural light replaces the darkness behind my eyelids as I open them and have to squint to allow my pupils to adjust. The sun seems unusually bright and warm for that matter, while there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I realised that I was back on the shore of First Beach with Paul, who propped his body up by his elbow with a smirk on his lips. 

"The sun is so bloody bright" I complained weakly, lifting my hands to shield my eyes. Paul chuckled and shifted his position to rest his head in my lap. I glanced down at him with a raised brow. His grin remained smug as he closed his eyelids.

"Enjoy it, the sun is usually quiet in La Push" Paul mumbled. My eyes lifted to the water of the shore, crashing against the sand.

"Why do I keep dreaming of you, Lahote?" I wondered, my hands unconsciously lifting to run through his cropped brown hair. He hummed with delight.

"A lot of women have this problem," He started, earning a snort to escape my nose and a laugh to leave his lips in response, "I hear that the problem is incurable."

"Hmm, your jokes still suck in my dreams" I teased. His eyes snapped open as his grin lifted further. He lifted his upper body and wrapped his arms around my torso, lifting us up from the ground. Gently, he managed to throw me over his shoulder and strolled towards the crashing blue waves. He walked into the water until the it reached a couple of inches below his shorts. I could see the water from over his back gradually get higher and repeatedly slapped his back, pleading with him not to drop me into the water. His laugh graced my ears.

"You think you can insult me and get away with it? Think again, sweetness" He teased and began bending his torso to lower my body closer to the water. My heart pumped against my chest as I attempted to cling onto him.

Bumps In The Road / Paul Lahote Where stories live. Discover now