18. Bonfire Drama

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Chapter 18

"Dude! Save some for Jake!" Seth exclaimed, nudging Paul with a grunt. The entire pack (except Jacob) sat around a large bonfire on logs, while eating hot dogs from Billy's barbecue. Paul and I sat side-by-side on a log and, although I had filled my stomach, Paul seemed to have a bottomless pit.

"I've just come from patrol, so I'm hungry and he is late" Paul rebutted, swallowing his mouth full and finishing another serving. I shook my head in disbelief as Seth and I met gazes.

"You are always hungry" I scolded, slapping his chest playfully. Paul sent me a smirk finishing another hot dog--I lost count after his fifth. I rolled my eyes in amusement and turned my eyes back to the roaring fire, once again feeling relaxed at the crackling sound of it.

"He's here!" Seth  jumped up enthusiastically from his spot next Paul. I turned my head to see Jacob walking down to us with Bella beside him, dressed simply with her arms crossed protectively over her chest. I wasn't overly excited about her arrival with Jacob, mostly because I wasn't her biggest fan and I have a feeling that she doesn't like me much either. Not that I mind, obviously the feeling is mutual. On the small of my back, I felt a warm hand press against my sweater.

"Everything okay?" Paul asked softly. I turned to him with a smile, snapping out of my trance.

"I'm good... I don't know why I feel surprised that she is here" I mumbled with a shrug of my shoulders.

"I'm not. Jacob's trying to do whatever he can to convince her that the bloodsucker is bad for her and he would make a better mate," Paul grumbled softly into my ear. "She technically shouldn't be here since this is a council meeting, but they want her to hear the stories as well. Think it's good for her or something." I frowned at what he meant. I knew that Sam had told me earlier in the day that I was apart of this pack, but how did my association with them differ from Bella's. Why isn't she technically not part of the pack, since she is so connected with Jacob? Was it because I lived with Emily and Sam?

Before I could ask, Paul's voice stopped me. "Billy's about to start the legends."

Billy began the legends of Taha-Aki and the spirit warriors and the tales of how he became the spirit warrior. His bravery to call upon the Great Wolf was so inspiring as he fought to save his people from the murderous Utlapa. Billy's story-telling was captivating and his deep voice seemed to generate a calming atmosphere over the group. I found myself leaning forward to concentrate further on Billy and the story he passionately told. He recounted each detail so beautifully and with such a passion that I knew it couldn't have been his first time telling the story. I listened closely to Billy's animated tone that recited the story, like one might the alphabet, as though it was embedded into his mind.

The tale moved onto the story about the Third Wife, which was equally as captivating and inspiring. I couldn't help but admire the bravery of the Third Wife as she sacrificed herself for her love and her family. Similar to Taha-Aki, the Third Wife committed an act of heroism with the hopes of saving the ones she loved and held close to her heart, despite her fatal ending. I wondered if I could do such a thing, would fear stop me? How does one overpower their primal instinct of survival to save another life? Nevertheless, her actions were both commendable and beautiful.

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