12. Ignorance Isn't Always Bliss

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Chapter 12

"Oh, look! She's waking up!" Hilary's voice exclaimed with excitement. My eyes opened slowly, and I was glad that the sun wasn't bright today, otherwise adjusting to it's brightness would have been painful. Glancing around at my surroundings, I discovered that I was in an old cabin that seemed to have been abandoned. It was a single large room with only two doors, one that I assumed led to outside and the other must lead to a bathroom. I was placed in the middle of the room, facing the simple kitchen area. There was a window by the sink, but it was small and only accessible if you were standing at the sink, so I couldn't see much from where I was.

"Don't forget the knife" Hilary muttered beneath her breath. My eyebrows knitted together. What was she planning? Suddenly, she came into my line of vision, startling me. There was no denying that the venom of a vampire turned her even more beautiful than she already was. I felt Rick's cold hands on my shoulders and hissed with surprise. 

"Jesus, you're cold" I grumbled, wriggling my shoulders to shake his cold hands off. He reluctantly let go. Hillary smirked, crossing her slender arms over her chest.

"Do you want you want to hear my plan?" Hilary asked in excitement. I looked at her oddly. 

"Not particularly interested, to be honest" I replied. She sent me a deadpan expression.

"Well, too bad, you're about to hear how I plan on killing you," She retorted with a grin. "First I will take you to those cliffs at First Beach and in the forest I will enjoy draining your body of your wonderful blood. If I can stop, which I will try, I intend on lifting you up and throwing you over the cliff where you will struggle to break the surface of the ocean for breath and drown." My brows lifted in surprise and my jaw fell slack.

"You sound way to excited to be sane" I mumbled with a shake of my head. She sauntered towards me and grasped my chin tightly, harshly demanding my attention and searched my eyes for inferiority. 

"Don't test me, Kira. I can snap your neck without even trying." I returned her glare and narrowed me eyes in defiance. 

"Were you ever satisfied at any moment in your life?" I wondered. She seemed taken back by the question and frowned, cocking her head slightly in apprehension.

"Shut up," She let go of me and walked back out of my sight. I let out a shaky breath. "Let's head off, the sun is about to set. I want to leave this godforsaken town already" Hilary groaned and picked up a backpack from the floor. Rick knelt beside me and broke the ropes, freeing my legs from their restraints. I considered stretching them out, but fear made me think again. "Are you thinking of trying to set yourself free?" My eyes shifted to Hilary's taunting stare and wondered if she wanted the truth.

"And be separated from your fabulous company? I wouldn't dream of it" I snarky responded. She chuckled without humour and, using her heightened speed, extracted a metal device from her bag and pressed it against my upper arm. Waves of electricity shocked my nervous system. Crying out, my legs buckled in pain and fell against Rick's hard body. He caught me quickly and helped me regain my footing. 

"Still enjoy being human?" Hilary chuckled. My eyes filled with anger as I glared at her. 

Bumps In The Road / Paul Lahote Where stories live. Discover now