16. An Infliction

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Chapter 16

The beach looked very different from the day before. Despite the fact that the darkness of night made the sea interchangeable from the sky, but the empty and open shore was now crowded with bodies of La Push's youth. There were speakers blaring a popular hip hop song on one side of the party while the other was occupied by people either sitting on towels or picnic blankets. There were tiki torches lining the perimeter of the party, illuminating the site.

I parked the car further away from everyone else and we got out silently. Instantly my eyes searched for one of the pack members as we stepped closer to the party and the noise got louder. 

"Is there alcohol?" Ryan asked loudly, eyes lit up at the scene.

"Probably" I replied, my eyes glancing over his excited expression. His eyes were dancing over the mass of bodies interacting or dancing together. I noticed in the distance a keg and pointed it out to Ryan, seeing as he seemed so interested. 

"Oh, did you want one?" He asked, as he took a swig of the contents in his drink. I shook my head. I couldn't stand beer. 

"Kira, there you are!" A deep voice called from behind us. I turned around and smiled with relief at the sight of Jacob and Embry making there way over to us. Both wore a bright smile as they greeted us and Embry let out a whistle as his eyes scanned the turn out. It was as though the entire La Push High was dancing on the beach. I was mildly surprised there were no authority here yet. Beside me Ryan was turning around to refill his empty cup and he seemed to have downed the first one without a struggle. 

"Does this happen often?" I asked, my attention on the crowd of young La Push residents. 

Embry chuckled. "No. Not enough goes on in town to distract the police, so they try and keep it small...but it never usually stays that way..." I couldn't agree more. This party was most certainly not small. 

"Hey, I need to get something from the car. I won't be long" Ryan informed me with a gentle nudge to my forearm. I nodded and watched as he walked back towards the car park. Embry, Jacob and I moved away from the buckets of alcohol as we found ourselves getting in everyone's way and continued to talk about the small town. La Push differed from the suburbia of Australia that I had spent all my life and I wanted to know how these guys grew up knowing everyone business and simply being acquainted with the entire town. 

After a short time had past while being at the party, I noticed Paul making his way over to us. Our eyes met with no difficulty and remained glued until he reached the group. 

"Hey, Paul," Embry greeted him with a slap on the shoulder. "Came by to show these kids how its done?" Paul didn't seem to be in the mood for a joke though as he broke our eye contact and glared at his pack brother. 

"No," He gruffly responded, his arms crossing over his chest as his eyes examined the group of party-goers, "Sam sent me here to back you two up. Jared's patrolling the area and Sam's keeping an eye on the perimeter. Stay alert."

"Stay alert for what?" I asked curiously. Paul's gaze met mine again and it hadn't wavered. He was still angry at me. 

Bumps In The Road / Paul Lahote Where stories live. Discover now