52. Let's Go To The Cliff

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Chapter 52

Paul's POV

After Kira told me about her "fearless phase" she fell asleep on my chest. I smiled down at her, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. I still didn't believe that my imprint, my angel, would be so rebellious. Honestly I found it quite attractive, but I still couldn't believe it.

I heard voices in the kitchen and recognised them as my sisters and Josh's. I really needed to go out there and talk to Peyton about mum. I know she's going to be devastated. There has to be a way I can tell her without revealing Kira's secret.

I pulled myself away from Kira and pulled the blankets over her, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. I walked out into the kitchen quietly. Peyton and Josh turned around and looked at me.

"Where's mum?" Peyton asked. I shook my head. How was I supposed to tell her?

"She's gone" I said. Her brows knitted together.


"She left declaring she'd find a cure that'd work and free me" I lied and looked down at the ground. Well this is going somewhere. Actually this was a good lie.

"But she didn't say goodbye...why would she leave without saying goodbye?" Peyton asked looking between Josh and I frantically, her brows knitted together.

"I don't know" Josh mumbled and pulled her into his chest.


"I'm sorry Peyton" I said sadly walking up to her. Josh let go of her and took a step back. I pulled my sister into my chest and let her sob quietly. I was mad at my mother for letting Peyton grow attached to her. I knew all these years Peyton had taken it the hardest, that's why she got attached easier. She always wanted a mother to gossip with and talk about girl stuff with. She had her friends like Rebecca and Rachel and she even had Sarah, their mum. But it wasn't the same, I saw it and so did dad.

"Why?" she whispered, hitting my chest lightly with her fist. I didn't feel anything and instead wrapped my arms tighter around her. "I hate her".

Josh decided it was better for them to get a hotel in Forks to get away from the town for a little bit and help Peyton calm down. I agreed. Josh got their bags from the guest bedroom and started putting them in the car. I stood at the front door with Peyton. She sniffled and hugged me again.

"I'll see you in a little bit, little bro. Say goodbye to Kira for me and take care of her. She is definitely a keeper," she said with a small smile and began walking off to the car before she stopped and looked over her shoulder at me, "And don't let what happened to Rita happen to Kira". I looked down at the ground and nodded.

"I won't" I promised. She got in the car silently. I watched as Josh reversed on to the road and drove off. I closed the door with a sigh and walked into someone.

"Who's Rita?" she asked quietly. I looked down at Kira who looked up at me with her brows knitted together.

I sighed and took her hand, leading her to the couch where I sat down and pulled her onto my lap.

"Remember Selena, the girl from school that hates me," she nodded, "Rita is her older sister". A frown crossed over her forehead.

"So?" she asked confused.

"Before I became," I rolled my eyes in annoyance of the stupid nick-name, "the man whore of La Push, I went out with this girl, Rita. At the time I thought she was the girl of my dreams, she was my everything, and she seemed so perfect that I thought my entire future was laid out for me. I asked her out and at first she played hard to get. But once I cracked through that shell of hers we fell, hard for each other. It was nice, nearly as good as this" I explained nudging her cheek with my nose. I had to admit it was felt a little weird talking to Kira about another girl like that, but I wanted to tell her exactly how I felt at the time.

Bumps In The Road / Paul Lahote Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang