30. The Party and The Confessions

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Chapter 30
Paul's Point of View

I walked in front of the house that I knew belonged to Patty Kroil. We have, lets just call it, history. Cliff notes version, I took her out on a few dates. She was fun to be around and talk to, but as disgusting and as much of an asshole I sounded, I wanted more. So I dumped her for Hilary. What can I say? I was an ass.

Something else that told me this was my destination was the loud music and streamers littered everywhere. Toilet paper scattered the front yard along with red cups and other trash. I sighed walking up to the door and opened it walking inside. I walked in and there was a couple making out by the door. I scrunched my nose up disgusted and I continued through the house searching for her.

"Paul LaHote! What the hell are you doing here?" A voice said from behind me. I turned to see Patty standing there smiling flirtatiously. I knew after I dumped her she changed, but man has she changed. She wore more make up and the clothes she wore were tighter than before when I dated her.

"I'm looking for Kira" I said looking around.

"I lost her," she laughed. She walked closer to me and twirled her hair, making me feel uncomfortable. "But we could still catch up".

"Nice seeing you, Patty" I said sarcastically, walking around her and continuing through the house.

Music blared through the walls while I continued my search for Kira, using my gut instincts. I walked up the stairs where there was a dance floor in the middle of the room and a mini bar in the back of the room. The place was crowded with some dancing and others standing around the floor. There was so many people on the floor dancing that it was hard to actually identify anyone, but something in my gut told me she wasn't there.

"Hey babe, wanna dance?" I looked down to see a girl clearly drunk. She was smiling and staggering a bit, trying to keep eye contact but kept losing it.


"Prick" she mumbled walking away. I rolled my eyes at the drunk. What did she think? I'd say yes.

I looked briefly around the dance floor when finally I saw her against the wall and some guy in front of her with his hand pressing against the wall beside her head. His body was close enough to her's to make me want to rip his head off there and then.

She was laughing at something he said as he leaned in closer. I closed my eyes tightly so I could calm down. When I opened my eyes the guy had led her onto the dance floor. He was grinding the front of his jeans against her butt with his hands holding her hips firmly. The anger inside me began swelling up again making me ball my fists. The pain and jealousy of some guy grinding against my girlfriend was enough to make me fume. But the pain and jealousy of some other guy grinding against my imprint made me want to phase on the spot.

I stormed to where they were dancing and grabbed a fistful of the guys shirt and pulled him away from her. I dragged him off the dance floor and into the nearest room. As soon as our --well my-- presence was encountered everyone exited the room hastily. I threw the guy into the wall, beginning to shake angrily.

"Paul!? What the hell are you doing here?" Kira asked taking my arm and tried to divert my attention away from the guy.

"I came looking for you" I said, nonetheless, keeping my attention solely on the guy. "Don't you dare touch her again!"

"Dude chill, we were just hanging" the guy said standing up and putting his arms up in surrender, leaning against the wall. Just hanging. Yeah, I don't think that's how it would have ended. I turned to Kira to see her crossed armed and looking away. Was she on his side?

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