Chapter 1

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"Mr. Tanburry asked me to see him before I go for lunch."
My stomaches been turning ever since I woke up this morning because today is the day that my beloved principal Mr. Tanburry is making his final decision about having a girls soccer team at woodrose high.

"About the soccer team?" Clara says while sweeping her long, silky red hair into a ponytail.
"You've been wanting this team since tenth grade, on a scale of one to ten how nervous are you?"

"21 and a half, I'm so nervous I didn't eat the beautiful breakfast my mom so kindly made for me.
I hope Mr. Tanburry knows how much I want this team."
My mom hardly ever cooks because she spends most of her time working as a doctor at the local hospital. And when she's not working she's usually making up for her daily lack of sleep. When she does decide to cook though, she makes some of the best food ever.

"I think everyone knows how much you want this." Emily said smiling at me.

I shove my black bag and all my textbooks into my tiny locker and slam it shut. They should really get new lockers, I've been stuck with this horrible excuse for a locker since I started at woodrose high.

"I should get this over with, see you guys later." I turn around and start to walk in the direction of Mr. Tanburrys office.

"Good luck Jess, if he doesn't let you have the team you can always just play with us." Emily and Clara wave as they head towards the cafeteria.

I love my best friends but they cannot play soccer to save their lives and they know it.

Me, Emily and Clara have been best friends since junior high. They helped me through my first boyfriend, my dad dying, my "I need to be as skinny as a stick phase" and a whole lot of other stupid phases.

Phases are my thing.

Suddenly without even knowing, I collide into a hard wall, and I stumble down while trying to find my balance.


What the hell was that, I swear I wasn't walking that close to the lockers.

"If you wanted to touch my body, you could have just asked." Ashton Grey, my jerk ass neighbor smirks looking down at me.

Jacob and Simon who were unfortunately walking with him looked amused.
You see whenever me and Ashton bump into each other at school, the conversation usually ends up amusing anyone around us.

Usually that's Simon and Jacob.

I hate all three of them, but it seems like i'm the only one. They are treated like royalty at our school, even in class People get up and offer them seats. For what reason I don't know.

"I would rather die, than touch your body." I state, glaring back up at him.

"Whatever you say." He says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Go mess with some other girl, I have somewhere I need to be."
Realizing I'm still scrawled on the ground I pull myself up and start to walk away.

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate his stupid good looks. I hate how he's so smart without even trying. I hate his egotistical comments. I hate how he uses all the girls at our school. I hate---

"Hello, Ms. Parker?" The secretary yells, looking annoyed and bored at the same time.
Coral Dawn has been our schools secretary for god knows how long, she's been here since I started high school and I heard she has been here way longer than just four years. She never smiles and she seems like she's not happy with her life, my mood goes down just looking at her.
"Sorry, Ms. Dawn, what were you saying?" I ask sweetly but knowing it's gonna get me nowhere.

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