Chapter 11

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"Okay see you on Monday" I tell Emily as I get out of her car, I won't see her during the weekend since she is going to visit her dad who lives like 3 hours away. She usually goes on the last weekend of every month.

"Bye, have fun tomorrow," She blows me a kiss.

I roll my eyes and catch her kiss, because if you don't catch a kiss someone blows you, you are destined for bad luck.

When I get inside my house, i'm overwhelmed by the amazing smell. It smells like my mom's homemade Lasagne, but it can't be because she's working a night shift today.

Just to be sure, I scream. "MOM!"

"In the kitchen honey." She yells back to me.

I run into the kitchen, and hug her. I really don't see her enough, since she's always working. Don't get me wrong, I know she's doing it for me but that's exactly why I feel so guilty when she comes home and falls asleep on the couch due to the fact that she's so tired after 3 shifts in a row. I wish she would stop worrying about me and take a break. Hang out with friends, or maybe even meet a guy. She deserves to move on from my dad.

My dad died from colon cancer when I was 6 years old. He ignored it for so long that it became the death of him. I remember my mom calling the emergency for him, and to be honest I can't remember anything else. I guess I was too young but I don't even remember his funeral. I had therapy when I was 14 because the fact that I didn't remember made me almost go crazy. I would always cry and stare at the wall for hours at a time trying to get it to come back to me. My therapist told me that I could be blocking it out because It was so painful my mind doesn't want to relive it. She said that the memory could come back when something triggers it or when i'm older but it hasn't happened yet.

All I know is that I can't mention 'dad' in from of Mom. One time I tried to bring him up but my mom shut me down so fast. It's like she wants to forget everything about him. It really annoys me that she doesn't even want us to bring him up in a conversation, because I can tell she's holding all the grief inside her and that is keeping her from moving on.

"Please tell me you're making Lasagne!" I plead looking at her with hope.

She smiles and hugs me back. "You're in luck."

"Yes" I scream and I pump my fists in the air, it's been way too long since we had her lasagne for dinner.

She laughs and shoo's me out of the kitchen, telling me to go take a shower since apparently I stink.

After my shower, me and my mom sat down to eat. Well I ate, my mom didn't. We just sat at the table and we stayed there for like 3 hours. Conversation comes so naturally for us when we have the time for it. My mom catches up on everything she missed and I catch up on what's happening with her. She tells me about this coworker who asked her for out inside the surgery room when the patient was in critical need of care. I bursted out laughing and my mom shushed me. I love these rare nights that we have together. By the time we decided to get up, I was too tired so we just ended up sleeping on the couch.

I wanted to wake up to the fresh smell of my mom's blueberry pancakes, but unfortunately my mother is gone for work. If she were still here, I would definitely smell the pancakes.

I get off the sofa and move my neck around. Sleeping on the couch really strained my neck. I walk to the kitchen and see my mom's note on the fridge.

It says the usual. "Be back 4 dinner, but just in case don't stay up." I should be used to my mom not being around but it's still hard not having her around for more than one dinner. I make myself cereal and eat while slowly waking up fully.

I go to grab my phone off the table and that's when I see his text.

The nerve of him.

Thank you for reading, I know this is very short and pretty uneventful after such a long time but  I don't know if I want to continue this book so if you think I should please comment or leave a like. Thank you lovies. xoxo.

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