Chapter 9

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He says looking around at all of us in turn. "Most of you, know that I take this team seriously and I don't tolerate lazy effort to come to practise on time."
He continues. "We're all gonna take today's practise and keep it in our head, like a reminder of what happens when we decide to slack. If being on the team is not important to you, than leave now. He says giving us all a hard stare, his eyes lingering on me for a second longer.
"We're gonna run laps until we have 30 minutes left of practise. After that we're gonna switch it up a bit." He says.
"Really man, that's like 2 hours dude." Alex a second year soccer player says.
"You can't actually expect us to run for that long." Gabriel points out.
"Thanks a lot Jess."  liam says sarcastically looking at me through narrowed eyes.
"No problem, you might even need the exercise to make your pride a little slimer." I retort back.
Jacob gives Ashton a look that says 'seriously.'
"What are you waiting for?" Ashton yells, "Start." He says clapping his hands together.
Simon starts to run, not wanting Ashton to make the time longer. Everyone starts to follow behind him one by one. The team members from last years seem to give him a last 'really' look before they start. I kinda feel bad but it's not my fault Ashton has to be a jerk and make us run for an impossible amount of time.
When it's my turn to start running, I look at Ashton with what I think is puppy dog eyes. "Don't you think this is a bit much? I said sorry, and it's only the 3rd practise."
"I might have let it go if your said sorry was actually sincere, and if you let me finish what I had to say instead of just ignoring me and joining the group. I know you're new, but I don't tolerate disrespect and tardiness. I will treat you just like I would treat the guys, that's what you signed up for if you don't like it, then leave." He says making me take a step back with his hard tone and emotionless face. I have never heard him be so blunt and tough on anyone. It was almost downright scary.
"Okay, I'll run, geez keep your head together." I say and start to run.
"Good, cause you just added another 5 minutes to the time." He says with a small hint of a smirk on his face.
UGHHH. He is so infuriating and bossy. I was only like 10 minutes late and now the whole team probably hates me. It's bad enough that I'm the only girl.
I start to pick up the pace because I'm really far behind the rest of the team, I'm a pretty fast runner so I catch up fairly quickly. I'm just a little lazy so my stamina sucks, the next two hours will be hell for me.
I'm so mad at Ashton, how am I gonna be lovey dovey with him tomorrow when I have dinner with his parents. I can't even look at him right now.
I'd be lucky if my legs were still in tact, after today's running.
I get lost in my thoughts until I hear loud breathing
next to me.

At first I thought it was Adrian but it wasn't.
"I can't believe you walked away from him when he was talking to you." He says, I don't remember his name but he's really good looking. He's got these emerald eyes and light disheveled brown hair.

"I don't understand, it's not like he's a god or anything." I say infuriated that someone else thinks what I did was so unbelievable. It's not like I told him to frick himself, which is what I wanted to do.

Since I don't remember his name I'm gonna call him emerald eyes. Don't judge me, It's easier for me to remember nicknames.
He chuckles. "No he's not a god, but right now he's got a lot of power over us, it's either listen to him or leave."

"What's the worst he can do?" I say, obviously making us run for 2 hours is pretty close to the worst. But so far I'm not even tired and we must be at least half way to 2 hours.
"You have no idea, this is a piece of cake compared to some of the stuff he makes us do, when it gets closer to the championship." He shakes his head and shivers, thinking about said 'stuff' he makes us do.
"Really? So then why was everyone so shocked?" I say confused.

"He usually becomes tougher the closer we get to the championships." He says shrugging his shoulders.
Now I'm curious what could be worse than this.
Emerald eyes seemed to understand my curiosity. "Last year he took us to one of his family's cottages, we were all so stoked. He starts laughing, "but that weekend was hell. He put us on a schedule and worked us till we couldn't stand on our two feet, it was a weekend filled with push ups, laps and easy but tiring ballwork. We didn't even play one game."

Okay, he did not. There's no way. All weekend.
Emerald eyes looks at my expression and starts laughing.

"Don't worry, you most definitely won't enjoy it while it's happening but after the weekend you feel really good. And Ashton may be tough but he's also an amazing teacher. He made me a much better soccer player. A much much better soccer player. I don't regret a thing." He says giving me a serious look.
I already knew he was good at what he did, what I didn't know was we had to die to get to that good status.

I'm kinda starting to get tired and my breathing is becoming heavy.
really heavy. "Hey, emerald eyes do you know how long we've been running for."
Wait, did I just say emerald eyes out loud. Goddammit.

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With love xoxo.

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